Past performance is no guarantee of future results.
Past performance is no guarantee of future results.
You might have just proved that harsher laws and a general societal distaste for drunkenness prevents deaths.
I applaud those of you adult enough to say “Huh, that looks like a bad choice. Guess I won’t move/visit there.”
Does anybody here actually think this is about insureds and their needs?
Same logic he other side used for ACA.
And? Regardless of how feel about the law the immigrants and the sanctuary cities are violating it.
No, but the ingrained misogyny of some of our elected “representatives” is.
I don’t know how to have this conversation. I vote for women locally. I would have voted for Elizabeth Warren. I did not vote for Hillary. Many white, middle age men I know feel the same.
There are absolutely people who voted based on misogyny. But that’s just one of the reasons she lost.
Bullshit. This simplistic view is why the democrats lost, and why they will continue losing.
While it’s good to be excited about a possible Trump resignation, don’t forget to plan the next step- dealing with the horror show Pence administration.
Fair enough. I struggle to comprehend that someone would willingly sow the seeds of their children’s destruction, but I’m also not mind-blowingly wealthy so I kind of have to worry about the future.
Who cares about taking it with them. Do they not realize once they outsource every job possible and robotiscize the rest nobody will be left to buy their products?
That’s true now. 30 years ago? Not so much. Have a little perspective.
How do we know it wasn’t consensual? The article doesn’t state the ages of the other 6 participants, nor does it state she was kidnapped. All it says was she was on video having sex with multiple other people and her family didn’t know where she was.
As a middle aged, married, wasp male parent I found some of these posts enlightening AND uncomfortable. I have some thinking to do.
Clearly a United/ORD veteran.
Clearly a United/ORD veteran.
They are rights. There are limits on how you can express yourself, but people are free to be assholes. That’s kind of the definition of freedom.
Bullshit. Fucking bullshit. I worked as a “temp” for 1.5 years at a coal mine and couldn’t get on to a $25/hr union job with almost unlimited overtime because of South American illegals.
Eloquent, and obvious rage issues. Nice. Sorry (not sorry) for pointing out your double standard.