
She’s just cool being a beard and getting publicity.

Mind you, Kim Kardashian gave up on it too. A woman who pretty much never met a stuffed bank account she didn’t like. That says something...

I’m sure they’ll take that into account.

I think they said they have proof it was created by Leah Remini.

(meanwhile, on the low, he’s secretly thinking “go on...”)

“clueless, hueless and now-swimming pool-less” and “Gentrifier from the block”....

I have heard that yelling sometimes will snap them out of their almost trance when they are in that hunt mode.

It’s amazing what a surge of adrenaline can do for you. I was commuting home by bike one day when a massive pit bull rolled up on me. I only knew it was coming because I heard its collar tinkling as it took chase. I was already doing probably ~15mph and it was closing the gap effortlessly. The fact that it wasn’t

“Relatively small bear” is a mama bear with her cubs, and is relatively large enough to seriously fuck up a human.

Yeah I get the sense that Gwen is going through a midlife crisis. I thought she had settled into her new life but it’s clear she still wants to be thought of as cool and edgy. She didn’t need to bring any of this up.

“I’ve been around forever. I started my band because we were really influenced by ska, which was a movement that happened in the late ‘70s, and it was really all about people coming together.”

I am a white woman and I want to crawl into a cave right now. Um, Gwen, honey, sweetie, I am right around your same age, and this has NOTHING to do with “a time that had different rules”.

She’s lived her entire adult life in a bubble. She has no idea how the rest of us live.

What amazes me it not how vapid Caitlyn is, but how completely unaware she is of that fact.

Correct. He also said dating her was one of the worst times of his life because of all the media scrutiny and their bad movie. 

Happy to help. Can you let us in to visit, now, maybe? We’ll be nice, mostly.

No problem. We’re going to have a lot of extras, since a third of our population is really, really stupid.

Big up to to the US from Canada for the supply assist!  We never would have made it past 50% first dose without you!  Sincerely, thank you.

Okay, I was half-watching this and when it happened I thought it was a new dance move. I honestly said to myself: “is this what the kids are doing these days?”