HateWatch is the new HateFuck. and it started here.
HateWatch is the new HateFuck. and it started here.
I’m not sure what you’re going on about, but I’m a size six; in fact each of my thighs is a plump size six and my belly is a robust size eight, so added together that means I’m a...well, I was told there would be no maths.
Did he also have some (bad) work done on his face? He has a kind of Joe Jackson eyebrow thing going on, and sometimes looks very pulled and shiny, like the “young” Jacksons.
For vomit protection.
Make it so!
Quickly read your last word as “scat”; that’ll work, too!
The aliens face-palmed after asking “Take me to your leader”.
Sapp 2020
Oh, hai doggie!
Loving Our Lord
For nearly a dozen years I have been irrationally offended by the verbal diarrhea “It is what it is.”
I never would have guessed it except for just the right camera angle; they have the same nose!
Why does her young daughter appear to have a grown-out set of store-bought streaks in her hair?
Had to go refill your vendor tray?
Are those dollar bill vending slots?
Needs moar pinky ring.
“And we should all love and respect each other because this is the greatest country in the world. I see the love. I see the unity in all walks of life on a daily basis and It makes me so proud to be an American....” Uh, I think you meant otherwise.
She can’t work a hoodie string.
KfC, however, is unimpeachable.
It’s a blessing that the Patriots played last night, giving Hernandez plenty of time to be ready next week.