*looks at author*
*looks at author*
Have you been around people?
Yes the staggering 5% margins that automakers post is deplorable. Meanwhile you pay $500-$800 for a smartphone that cost $200 to produce.
Lol, what? It’s a fucking contract agreed to in advance, not a handshake and a sack of money. There are plenty of products sold with use stipulations including all of the software on the computer or phone you typed your comment on.
If you BUY something you own it.
No one informed me that jean shorts were out of style until about a decade ago when I was 25. My group at work had an outing to an afternoon baseball game. I changed from my office clothes into my shorts and a t-shirt. One of my friends at worked said “Are you honestly wearing jorts?”. This was the first time I had…
I guess, despite Cena’s best efforts, Ford will in fact see him. In court.
I believe in innocent until proven guilty, I don’t believe in the death penalty, but I do feel violent, murderous rage when I see someone rolling coal. Or boasting about it online. Or even driving with stacks that I assume are used for doing same.
“The guy who just bought a Nissan Note :)“
Everything Nissan has been doing lately just makes me hate them even more.
What a pathetic little piece of shit.
I sort of detested anyone who drives Juke. It’s just trying to hard to be different. But for the same reason, I secretly liked Juke because at least it was trying.
Nissan’s new slogan: “You literally looked at nothing else”.
The broader market version is called an E-Class.
Typical Prius driver. They’re not very attentive to their surroundings unless there’s a truck or SUV in the vicinity, then they lose their shit.
However, without very careful inspection, it looks like an Optima with a fender vent...
wtf? How is it needless ride height? Did you miss my original comment? For 99% of car buyers the only thing needless is that handling you/we adore. Look we are not talking about enthusiasts, we are talking 50 year olds who have no cartilage between their joints. They want a wagon that is not a bitch to get in an out…
Yea but minivans are overkill for most people and with the premium minivans carry it would be dumb to opt for those unless you absolutely needed them. A Honda Odyssey starts at what like $30,000, why spend that much when a $25,000 CX-5 meets your needs?
Yeah I’m waiting for the whole color TV bubble to burst too.
That’s so sad. I’m so sorry.