
Which may explain why the woman journalist we spoke to was tailed Monday afternoon by a (woman) RNC media relations staffer, who stopped her to let her know that her sleeveless top and dark-wash jeans did not conform to Mr. Trump’s dress code for ladies.

Are any of the Duggers there? You could borrow something "modest".

I’ll have you know I was planning on buying the DVDs of this long before this article. I was!

Gal Gadot is awesome so far, and the Timm/Dini-verse animated Wonder Woman is near perfect, but you are correct.

Admittedly, it was a mostly terrible show, but Lynda is still the best Wonder Woman of all time...

Fuck Thomas Del Beccaro. That asshole is from my hometown. I went to school with his niece. He’s such a piece of shit.

The hypocrisy of that Del Baccaro tweet is breathtaking. Melania is such a better person than Michelle when Melania stole Michelle’s words! WTF! I mean, so the same words from Melania are proof about her lack of anger or hatred, but from Michelle they prove the opposite? And they were Michelle’s words!

She also claimed that Donald is very loyal to his family...even though he cheated on wife #1 with wife #2 and then left wife #2 for wife #3.

The Repubs applauded Michelle’s words out of Melania’s mouth and pretend they’re “just words.”

And the “family values” assholes that wrote the most virulently anti-LGBT platform in US history were cheering her on.

“I have been with Donald for 18 years” ...Donald divorced wife 2 17 years ago.

the cognitive dissonance is astounding. I tuned in to a half hour of the rnc last night and as a Canadian just sat slack-jawed at what I was watching. Shameful.

It’s always funny to me that Clinton is considered dishonest but Trump has said so many things that turn out to be not true or false. Hm.

Where is Selena Gomez to tell her that this is petty and that the world has real problems?

no one should get death threats. let’s just make that clear off the bat.

Not in the slightest. The winning (and only correct) stance to have here is zero tolerance for conservative racism and sexism, and for Twitter to devote more resources (less profit, more hiring would work) devoted to combatting it instantly, firmly, and loudly.

My parents sometimes call “Wheel of Fortune” by its semi-official nickname, “Wheel.”

Was anyone else hoping that the heat from the mirrors would burn the convention center down?

My sister loves this dessicated bag of barbecue chip flavoring. LOVES HIM. She thinks he’s gonna save the world from the secret Muslim that also might be the anti-Christ. I’ve tried to point out that Obama hasn’t named himself Lord and Unquestionable Master of anything, and that according the precious Bible, the

I just realized how completely ill equipped his campaign is with regards to running against a woman...like, not one single person ever thought a woman could be a real contender for the presidency. The only response I’ve heard from him is “women love me, im good for women”.