
It’s hard, huh? I mean, the reporter talked to Roger and, based on the above, *seemed to come away convinced something was up/had happened. I don’t know why he would not have reported that and included what he says happened.. that Roger hemmed and hawed and talked about bad time in his life.. and then finally denied

Sad day for the family, friends, and community. Thank you for not showing his 4 year old daughter.

She’s evil. I’ve heard that used as well... it is why I write above - if you ARE nervous, tell the interviewer - it goes over better, I have found, than being nervous and NOT telling the interviewer.

Indeed, the pigs are sleeping in the beds. My uncle professor who taught 11 years in NZ, came back to the states and while he has taught at various UC schools (Berkeley) and State schools (Chico, San Jose) he also drives UBER because he’s basically part-time, and when school is out he has to decided between UBER and

Tip: Always tell your interviewer you are nervous (if you are). Here’s why, based on my 30 years as a peon in the cog... American’s tend to love underdogs.. saying you are nervous, honestly, makes you an underdog of sorts, and your interviewer will slide to your side a bit and, 9 out of 10 will “rescue” you with words

I like... let’s turn your resume over/face down. Now, tell me an interesting story about yourself, tell me about your weekend, tell me about your home town, tell me about one of your best friends, etc.. just random easy questions that open the flow. I find it’s fun because it opens the conversation - even after some

If you do what you do, you’ll get what you got. FB and their tech-y companies are just PR’ing the diversity thing now.

I wonder where, in the Power Rangers world (or any comic book really) does she get her uniform? Does she make that herself? Is it knitted together in a secret criminal costume shop? Are the materials from China, or Trump? These are questions...

She’s just being the Grumpy Old Troll under the bridge.

Uhm, this: the two (white) guys/reporters/editors decided not to report the story because they couldn’t find TWO underaged teen girls to tell their tale. Okay, I didn’t know that was ever the standard. Jesus.

That’s a great (awful) job title! Would agree that there’s a lot of fat to be trimmed from these colleges.. and they are all too happy to leave students in debt while paying out outrageous salaries to hoards of useless staff while NOT paying professors or part time professors nearly enough. I think you and I can reach

Yea, I do think that. State funded schools, paying hundreds of thousands of dollars to coaches, and those coaches lead the way in hiding campus rape by their players. Yea, cut it off and fix it, bathwater and all.

That great burn by Abigail.. is so good. And, though not nearly as eloquent, the wonderful black women who raised me would say of the “author”: She stupid.

22 and dumb. Okay, seems *normal.

1,000 schools listed -0- rapes. Oh my. And yet, let’s keep the tax money going to them (state schools), or the alumni money flowing...

When white christians and black christians start going to church together, then they can lecture the rest of us about improving race relations. Fucking Tebow.

All true. Cali elects plenty of dumbasses to office, all the time. And good people to state and national office so we have balance in the force, not Tex. We also chill and mind our own business, never talk of seceding, aren’t afraid of jade helm, or the Muslim President, but are afraid of housing prices, and fucking

See? Texas everyone’ can’t even read. Don’t mess with Texas, lol. dumbass.

Disclaimer: grandparents are from Texas. And, fuck Texas.

She is in charge of all the secrets now!