I never knew that all I needed was some cheering up, as policy from a racist president. Gee, my life just improved immensely. Thanks, Drumpf!
I never knew that all I needed was some cheering up, as policy from a racist president. Gee, my life just improved immensely. Thanks, Drumpf!
That and... there are no gun laws in that hell hole; the state wants to leave, the Gov believed all the Jade Helm shit, there are a higher degree of crazies with assault weapons there, and Pres O is black. Add it all up, and you get high anxiety in the AA community about that state and his visit. Disclaimer: my…
Hey, let’s (again, again, etc.) remake some classics and use old white guys and do it all over again! Should be great.
Such a nice and welcoming police force, paid by ALL, and charged with protecting folk who have been part of this country for close to 400 years. So nice how the cops treat them, huh?
Pres O has always been respectful towards “W”. And yet... I don’t like him going to Dallas because that shitty place/State has a way of killing presidents.
The glitch was... a black man being murdered by a cop.
It’s come to this: folk what the heart of gun world to comment on black men being killed by cops..... and black men have been getting killed by cops in america since forever. Fuck the nra, of course...
...... she stupid. And, man, *celebrities can make money for doing nothing, and doing said nothing terribly.
So many tax breaks from the so-called separate Government that is run by that Muslim cop killer in office.
Yuck. And also, he has editors. And they all approve and release his drivel each and every time and they pat themselves on the back. Just yuck. And, white women. That’s who he writes about in is lonely life and he is writing to other losers like himself who still reads that awful magazine.
Already a great character just from the pics above. And that hair...
One day this child will be a grown black woman. Someone will say to her “why aren’t you smiling” or, “why are you an angry black woman?” or some shit like that. This child will grow up knowing she tried to comfort her mother in the back seat of a murderer’s car after watching her father get murdered. Beyond sad and…
You are continuing a 400 year tradition of blacks writing about black deaths at the hands of the State so, yes, you will forever be writing these stories.
Needed Riri in Baton Rouge last night...
There are no good cops. There are plenty of good people who are cops. But on duty there are no good cops. They are built and designed to kill you if you are black/poor/POC. They do their job very well and like the radio guy says, they don’t speak up when their pals murder. There are no good cops.
It was great on the local news in those days; the videos and the old white news readers being all angry at young folk, hippies, disco, and all that. White folk lost their shit that night...
Lol. Man, white folk and that dam flag and the fuss they make over it, good and bad. It’s just fucking material made in China.
Yeah, you’re right. I got through mine without riding a giant white swan, too <—- oddly, a great euphemism
Maybe, just maybe, at her age and all, and his.. they are just in prime fucking years and are just fucking for the fucking of it all.
Way up top, in one of the quotes from one of the idiots it says..”that’s why {we} play the game. Ha ha ha. No, moron, YOU don’t play shit.