Nah, that lawyer sent it on purpose.
Nah, that lawyer sent it on purpose.
Those are a lot of words that really are revealing. Thanks. Proper punishment is not the answer; better and more thorough consequences though would seemed to be merited. So, she’s banned from national parks - boo-hoo. The damage is done. I would like her to have to clean national parks. For a long time. Consequences…
“You people” <—- says it all.
Gosh, that’s great language! Will use that this weekend somehow..
This is a good response. I understand better, thank you. I would offer though, to those who are not white.. more than generally, this would not be the outcome. At all. There are cases, I am certain and I think you point out, that this outcome would be the same regardless of race. I think we can agree that an outcome…
Yep! See? Stupid.
As the wonderful black women who raised me would say: They stupid.
Very cool, Pres O. Very cool...
I’ve never been called harpy. Thanks.
Yeah, those guys. Yuck. I’d vote Brock as the worst though. And Trump.
Banned in the great uptopia! How dare they I say!
Oh, didn’t know there were no POC - men or women, in fashion.
Young white woman spray paints ugle shit all over bunch of national parks, gets light sentence and a little fine. Banned from parks. White privilege is fucking awesome!
Washed up coke head still talking...
I don’t know why you singled out WHITE women, but make no mention of the fact that these men are almost exclusively white MEN. The article omits people of color, and then you do, too.. what’s up with that?
Hundreds if not thousands of awful white male tv sports morons but you found that out of 5, two are AA. Nice. Fuck you.
There were great black men performances, too.. and therein lies this issue like the above list.. there are literally hundreds of godawful white male tv idiots... and yet, SAS (who’s horrible) is at the top of everyone’s list.
Nope. I remember this moving coming out.. saw the trailer and was like... This movie is as white as they come.
This guy has a tiny penis.
Will read. It’s basically what cops think now - black folk have magical powers.