Jane Dough

That was harsh ( and probably true, but it would have been more tactful to phrase it another way, like "I'm concerned that you aren't ready to be a mother right now".) So he owes her an apology for his tone, but she owes him an apology for being so oblivious to who he is as a person that she didn't realize he wouldn't

Yeah, she's not going to find a job like that again.

Alternatively, she could have had the baby and regretted that decision, too. I've known mothers who say they love their child but if they could go back in time, they wouldn't have had kids (or not at that time.) So you never know.

Ah. Good point.

As the saying goes, she doesn't want to belong to any club that would have her for a member.

Agree on all counts. And I don't think Elijah was being selfish or that he owes Hannah an apology. She should apologize to him for assuming that he'd be willing to take on this massive responsibility before she'd even discussed it with him.

Why only boys?

And why isn't anyone asking her how she's going to support this baby? She's got an undergraduate degree and a few writing credits. That's not likely to get her a high paying job, if she even intends to get regular employment. She'll have to carry the rent on her own, because Elijah isn't going to stick around for

I think Shosh is the only one who could do a decent job. Not saying she'd want to.

Tall isn't the same thing as "huge".

There are no gigantic women on this show.

My husband has a theory that Perry is Ziggy's father. If he's right, then I am gong to guess Perry as the victim, Jane as the killer.

Brilliant. That might actually cause SCROTUS to have his final meltdown.

I kind of hope she does have the abortion, because I'm tired of seeing shows where the character considers abortion, but then decides to have the baby (or has a convenient miscarriage).

Since these meals have a higher than usual calorie count, I doubt they're going to deflate anyone's waistline.

She was in a horrific car accident when she was a teenager.

My guess: the rest of the episodes are "will she/won't she?", and the finale is Hannah having her abortion. Jessa flames out spectacularly. Adam becomes famous. Ray and Shosh get back together. Marnie…. ah, who cares.

I think you're right.


He'll always be "Leaf" to me.