
This sounds like Taken but with a pig.

I know nothing about this film, but that headline and the star have me intrigued enough to see it with no prior knowledge. I’m not even going to read this review, and will walk away from The AVClub 100% satisfied.

Good job!

I actually liked this one a fair bit - it was kind of creative connecting emotional commitment to the environment to how Rick and Morty and Summer’s relationships, and the bit about Planetina being the only person Morty’s met who takes him seriously felt real enough to be poignant. It does feel a little bit like a

He did a great job in the Black Mirror Star Trek-themed episode.

Like, it’s so awesome to see Plemons have such a great career, and I have absolutely no doubt he deserves it (I also have fondness for anyone who was on FNL and end up rooting for them if only for that association).

The theories were fun, but I was able to enjoy the show for what it is.

I tried to stay spoiler-free and away from most of the speculation and I think it paid off for me. The fans who have whipped themselves into a frenzy because the final 10 minutes wasn’t a bunch of cameos for people whose names aren’t anywhere in the title of the show seem to be taking it pretty hard.

A few random thoughts:
* Oh, are we mad that the fifth male lead of the fourth-best movie in a franchise where 11 movies total didn’t make what Endgame/Infinity War/Black Panther made was underused? Puh-leaze. Peters’ Quicksilver was fun and had two good scenes, but he wasn’t the cosmos.

* Notice how all the clamoring

Technically not MCU proper, but Plaza set her own bar so high on Legion that she should only be used for the perfect role.

I think the biggest shocker for me in this episode is how well they pulled off the Scarlet Witch costume. Not cheesy or exploitative, but still hot as hell. (Pun semi-intended)


The car escape scene kinda lost me as well, but then when she gets payback I chalked up such an improbable scene to her sheer force of will. 

The first time I really noticed how great he is, was in ‘The Station Agent’, an understated gem of a movie. I must’ve seen him in ‘Safe Men’ and ‘Human Nature’ before that, but he hadn’t really caught my eye yet. (And let’s just pretend ‘Tiptoes’ never happened, shall we.)

Rosamund Pike said in an interview that she was taken aback when David Fincher told her that she “was a natural” at playing a sociopath. He wasn’t wrong.

Come for Rosamund Pike as a remorseless sociopath, stay for Dinkles in a man-bun.

Hi Jesse! Thanks for your thoughtful response. I didn’t intend for my comment to come off so aggressively (though clearly it was written in that manner), and I’m a regular consumer of your and Dowd’s film criticism. My comment was more geared towards my surprise at the absence of PS on this list, and also the Best

What the fuck is this site’s problem with Palm Springs

Laughing at the first two photos here, which tell a story of Elizabeth Moss being arrested for violating a park’s no-smoking ordinance.