Lol most of the major characters have changed tremendously. It helps to actually watch the movies.
Lol most of the major characters have changed tremendously. It helps to actually watch the movies.
For what it’s worth, Winter Soldier standing next to the cartoon raccoon leads to one of the film’s funnier jokes.
Exactly what I think. They killed all the new heroes. Not Captain America, not Iron Man, not any of the old Avengers, but old the new ones, and the GoG, so there is not a chance in the world they stay dead, which cheapens their death.
I haven’t seen the movie yet and I don’t know what FoC stands for, but I would absolutely read that.
Whoa, huge slam on Australia from out of nowhere!
Yeah, the only deaths in Rogue One that landed emotionally for me are K2-SO and Baze.
In the context of the other Marvel movies, this was probably a good decision.
No, but he does get to second base with Oblivion in a post-credits scene critics are calling “too confusing to be considered sexual.”
The spoiler-free reviews seem to hint too heavily at the film’s actual conclusion. Personally, I think that comparing it to “Rogue One” gives a little too much away if you haven’t already seen the film.
The problem with the comics isn’t that the crossovers are terrible, it’s that the crossovers superseded the main books. I can’t read Cap or Spidey or whatever without the story in following stopping and being replaced with some semi comprehensible Infinite Cival Invasion guff. The films have largely avoided that.…
Yes, it’s true: Thanos pins John Cena clean in the middle of the ring.
Also, I know the AV Club’s not going to take a random unsolicited pitch from a non-American member of the commentariat, but if you did, I have a FoC just ready to go about how Thanos embodies the concept of governence and the invisible hand, and this is actually the culmination of thematic examinations of power and…
I mean, I know it was surprising when
Counterpoint: Rogue One’s characters had so little going for them as entertainment value that the ending was rendered neutral instead of downbeat.
I enjoyed it a lot. The plot isn’t much to write home about, but it barrels along nicely and is bursting with character moments and good gags. The action scenes were inventive and well choreographed, when they could easily have been the all too common cgi soup.
I saw Infinity War just last night, and I liked it a lot more than Dowd. A lot of what the review says is true - it does barrell from one subplot to the next, the stakes are less personal, Black Widow, Cap, Black Panther and others do get less to do - but I don’t see them as negatives so much. The ten years of films…
Being overstuffed with characters and having the whole save the universe type of stakes is pretty much what I expected from this outing.
So the “it’s all been leading to this!” taglines really should be “it’s all be leading to Avengers 4, which really IS Infinity War Pt.2 after all!”
Rogue One?
does calculations
but that would mean— gasp—