
I can’t speak to the legitimacy of the Bennett photo, but I do know this picture is real and it pisses me off. Really, though, we all kind of secretly knew.

When I was a kid, people in my parent’s generation were immediately suspicious of anything that came from the internet. “Don’t meet anyone from the internet in real life!” “You can’t believe that, it’s just on the internet!”

He also has a pretty shitty approach to Jiu Jitsu, in that he goes 100% balls out at all times. Most people go light during drilling and then will crank it up during sparring, but always try to be respectful about the level of intensity. For instance, if I am rolling with someone new or someone significantly

A lot of people have said that he’s out of place over there and from the KSK stuff I remember he definitely seemed to be more taking the piss out of Bartstool-types rather than catering to them but in the aftermath of the ESPN thing I decided to listen to his podcast for the first time yesterday and....ok? I mean it’s

In every way possible the very last person you would ever expect to be employed by Barstool.

Fun fact: Tucker Max trains Brazilian Jiu Jitsu at the same academy as me and I ruthlessly choke him out on the regular. No one who knows who he is ever takes any mercy on him.


Like others I really enjoyed this.

This will not be well received, but: One of the most damaging part of left-wing dialogue, I feel, is using insults that “in normal circumstances” wouldn’t be insults, but are allowed to be insults when you lob them at ideological opponents. It happens all the time with stuff like “Stephen Miller is ugly” or “alt-right

What’s PFTCommenter like in person?

Is “divorced” an insult? A lot of people get divorced. He’s been respectful of his ex-wife as far as I know, and she still tweets support for his site.

Like you said, there was a guy like Portnoy before in Maddox and Tucker Max. Guys that are “telling it like it is”. I would venture to guess that there will always be a version of that guy out there that appeals to young males who are so impressed by someones ability to say something shitty in order to get laughs. I

Alphabet of Manliness was/is funny as fuck, though. That picture of beef jerky gunning down a bunch of vegetables still makes me laugh every time I see it.

Appreciate and enjoyed the self-reflection. But as much as you hate guys like Portnoy and Travis, why do they not deserve the “come to Jesus” moment that you’ve endured?

Some people mature. Some people just have birthdays.

Dave Portnoy is a 40 year old divorced man who is admired by millions of 19 year olds. The day he stops trying to drum up controversy or project a “us vs everyone else” mentality, is the day he wakes up and looks at what he is. Pathetic.

Having graduated in college in 2005, I had both the Tucker Max and Maddox books. I would like to believe I wasn’t as much of a POS as they were, but as I was gleefully gorging on their materials, its hard to argue otherwise. Great write-up on how things have and continue to change, and the accountability many of us

Oh, great. Another self-flagellating Portnoy complaint.

Of all the shots Simmons has taken on this site, being loosely grouped with Tucker Max should cut the deepest.

Because I’m a dick. Welcome to Deadspin for the first time.