
Going after pft is a good way to get everyone that reads this site to not like you.

Deadspin is coming off like a jealous ex...

Deadspin is jealous something funny came out of Barstool and is desperate to discredit.

As pointed out by ClueHeywood, you don’t really want to play this game.

I would say, don’t associate the shithead who worked at Deadspin with Deadspin, but that take might be too out there.

OK. I now associate you with disseminating the Erin Andrews peephole video or suggesting in a deposition that the cutoff age for posting a sex tape is 4 years old. Hope that’s cool and a reasonable understanding of the material here at Dead Spin dot com.

I’ve come around on Katz but PFT has always been outstanding. Barstool is utter shit. It is possible to like and appreciate individuals associated with certain media and not like all of it (or even the overarching view of the particular organization). PFT, Scott Van Pelt, Bomani Jones & Holly Anderson are just a few

The headline is 100% accurate. Bringing on PFT is the 2017 equivalent of hiring Dennis Miller for MNF, with the exception being that it might work.

I loathe Barstool but PMT is not even close to being in its shitty, misogynistic 37-year-old-frat-guy orbit. PFT Commenter and Dan Katz are successful because they know how ridiculous these mouth-breathing morons with no perspective on sports (or life) can be. I think even the PMT guys dislike being associated with

So will the ESPN show be called Pardon My Take? When you have two shows with the same title, you really don’t have one.

I look forward to the weekly segment “Is Joe Flacco A Elite Quarterback” in which they show Joe throwing an interception or some other display of ineptitude and follow it with a “Nnnnnnope.”

As someone who avidly listens to Pardon My Take but very seldom finds myself reading Barstool Sports, I think it’s important to note that PMT is unique in that it does not rely on the humor referenced in this post (played out sexist, racist, etc. jokes), and instead seeks to satirize all of the stupidity that happens

If you’re honestly associating anything the guys on Pardon My Take do with anything else that happens at Barstool, you’re clearly ignorant to the subject.

From what I can gather, flagship ESPN will feature all of the hot takes and embraced debate, and ESPN2 will air the tongue-in-cheek criticism of said takes.

Jeez, this is almost as embarrassing as that time he shat his pants in Santa Clara and handed the corpse of Payton Manning a championship.

You are correct. That was a bad take.

So you’re saying a woman talking about sports is about the same as a child talking about sports? Newsflash: a lot of women out there actually know and understand sports, especially when those women are sportswriters.

Mina Kimes for the win.

This is an impressive display of douchebaggery. The funny thing is that all those people who hate him for being a black quarterback are now going to be fans because of his misogyny. “He’s just not POLITICALLY CORRECT, YOU FEMALE SNOWFLAKE!”

Cam better be careful; any douchier and misogynistic and he’ll end up on the Cowboys.