
It would have made for good conversation though.

The only way they couldn’t see the demand is if they’re blind. Proprietary accessories make them money, that’s why they did this. They’re cutting it now because they’re losing ground to the PS4 and are trying to improve feature parity.

Oh, wo unto the poor athletes. Nevermind the slaves dying in droves to build the palaces in which they’re meant to showcase their talents to the world.

I think I have your cousin beat. Last wedding I attended, I proposed to the bride. And I waited for the “If you know of any reason these two shall not be married...” bit to do it.

Ok, I can’t tell if you’re making a joke here or not, but in the interest of clearing up any confusion for the scores of other people who are making similar statements without any irony, I’ll be that guy:

I think that we should adopt this logic for everything.

Would you please stop speaking on behalf of everyone who enjoys the comics? Because I honestly could not give less of a shit if he’s black.

WoW now consists of sitting in your single player Garrison queuing up for five man dungeons or 25 man raids. Maybe you’ll have a ten man flex group you raid with. Maybe.

“Oh no, a pop culture blog that focuses on video gaming made a blog article about a sci-fi themed music video, THE HORROR. It’s the end of the world. We should all go kill our parents and then kill ourselves.” -amazonrefugee, 2015

I can’t believe people are still using uTorrent, holy shit. After the ad insertion, after the bitcoin mining scandal really? Jeez.

Because Greg is male.

Detective Lance is going to have a heart attack. Seriously, they could have just lied to him the whole time and now it’s going to be really awkward when she goes “Dadddd look who’s not dead”

STDs don’t appear to be much of a thing in this world, which basically makes Geralt a big walking dick, all pleasure and zero risk.

Geralt is a massive, far cry from “generic”. In fact, any character that you can create yourself is generic, limited to a flat baseline personality that anyone can squeeze their own interpretations into. Geralt, on the other hand, is an established character with two short story collections and five novels worth of

Goats are jerks. Side-splittingly hilarious jerks.

In the end Broken Age became a masterpiece. And I think the split up was very clever. They maxed out the money to put as much love and detail in the final game as possible.

I strongly doubt it, it’s like saying that the flaming lava thing in the UE4 demo will be a major character in the next Unreal Tournament or Gears of War.

Am I missing something here? The “Alex” model has been around for quite some time now hasn’t it? Its been around for 8 months (give or take). Being first released in the 1.8-pre release build on August 22, 2014.

Someday, perhaps you will learn the difference between a Male Power Fantasy, and a Male Sexual Fantasy... We can only hope.

That's always been my honest excuse. If I'm going to be staring at ass for hours on end, it might as well be appealing to me which just so happens to be a female body and not a male.