
If your statement were a stat sheet it would be 0 and 2...1. the statement is not hearsay if presented by the child in court...2. even if not presented by the child it would not be excluded under the best evidence rule...the rule is one of exclusion not inclusion. Good try at throwing around big words though...

Your very own hometown American evil villain vs. an international less personally evil, but totally having more global evil influence, villain.

I didn't really care who wins on Sunday, but now I don't think I've ever wanted anything more than for Lynch to score 6 touchdowns, grab his crotch after every one, win the MVP, receive the trophy from Goodell and get interviewed on the podium after. IF THERE'S A JUST GOD THIS WILL HAPPEN.

"To automatically to be lumped into that category of a gang... that hits a little close to home for us, because that isn't our intent at all," Strobl said.

And the way her hand just hangs there, in a limp scratching claw, as she cycles through every human emotion before finally resigning herself to her fate.

it's such a journey. you can see the blame shift in her eye movements: first the dude, then her, then the dude again, then the game, then the universe

Somehow I'm sure that doesn't quite cut it.

I don't see why they need to be disciplined for this. It should be Jameis who gets punished, he is not the victim in this situation. A harmless chant is a perfect protest that will get noticed and reach the public. I stand with the ducks.

'Zactly. This Vine contains three more, ahem, "Ducks" than are allowed to assemble lawfully—let alone reside—in Cobb County at any one time.

I choose to interpret it as a sign of feminist alliance, miming a castration gesture in solidarity with rape survivors: a gesture that signals the importance of punishing offenders and standing up for victims. Or, they could just be happy as fuck that they beat the shit out FSU's felonious morons, thiefs & rapists.

I didn't realize that sticking a finger in one's ass to see what's holding things up was even an option. Also, going to the vibrator to "shake them out" is fucking hilarious.

Yes, everyone realizes that. What people are reacting to is that the preselected photo may be associated with an extremely painful recent event, and while you are just scrolling through your newsfeed, the picture kind of jumps out at you unexpectedly.

Does anyone really get good "your year in review" videos?Facebook really makes it's doodads best for middle to upper class people. Study abroad pics, goofy college photos, vacation photos, matching white outfit obx family photos, pumpkin spice brown boots photos, etsy mason jar wedding photos, rinse and repeat.

Do the people who come up with these things really live in that kind of bubble? Completely insulated from sadness and tragedy? It's amazing that nobody in the design process thought of this possibility.

at least she has black friends now!

There's a great National Geographic doc on Netflix about lions vs. hyenas called "Eternal Enemies" or something like that. There's one scene in particular that has a similar "spiritual" affect on me as this video. A lioness and all her cubs are bitten by a poisonous snake. The cubs die and the lioness wanders away

>Can they help him now, Frank?

Bravo! People see me drinking my smoothies and juices and are all like, "are you on a cleaaaaaaaanse????" And im always like, "no, sucker, im drinking vegetables bc I hate chewing them. I like a liquid delivery system and I chew nothing but Nutella crepes."

Here is a quick note on rape and physiological arousal, particularly as it pertains to male victims of rape.

Maybe if the cops stuck with exercising their first amendment rights, and not moving to the other amendments, we wouldn't have a problem.