@Kashmira: I messed a lot with color when I was going through a major grow-out phase. It helped me feel like I was sporting something new when I wasn't able to do so much with the style day to day. Also, bangs.
@Kashmira: I messed a lot with color when I was going through a major grow-out phase. It helped me feel like I was sporting something new when I wasn't able to do so much with the style day to day. Also, bangs.
@venegirl: The book and movie are both favorites of mine! I think the book is much better than the movie, but that's how it always is I guess. I'm with you though - I loved the typewriter music, I loved Ronan and McAvoy's performances... sigh. I just loved it.
@sympathyforthebasementcat: literally i was JUST going to make a separate comment about my eyebrows. it is apparently on the mind of many jezzies, plus Dov Charney.
Finding motivation to shave my legs this month: not so much.
@maybeimamazed02: OMG, good luck! That's so exciting and awesome! I wish I were brave and could get myself out to do things like that.
@morninggloria: I'm in. I'm currently freezing in a building with no central heating, the people upstairs are having THE PARTY OF THE CENTURY NOW AREN'T THEY WELL LUCKY THEM, I'm tired of having to take anti-depressants to be anti-depressed, and I would seriously LOVE a pedicure right now but am poor.
@clevernamehere: I think a really good stretch or mild yoga session could help a lot, and you wouldn't have to leave the house.
@cuteasabutton: I was JUST trying to come up with some sort of play on separate/don't/my vagina....but you beat me to it.
@DeezerD: My mom and I watch KUWTK together, and...well, we just really like it a lot. That's about all I have to say without embarrassing myself too much.
@Marla Singer: It is absolutely DELICIOUS. But that could just be because I'm in college, and at any other point in my life, I would be disgusted with myself. As for right now, since I'm poor etc. etc., this shit is HITTIN THE SPOT.
@angelina jolie-laide is a gaudy tulip: I'm so sorry things are stressful for you right now. Any prospects for a new job? It sounds like it just sucks hardcore, and something new would be beneficial.
Everyone. I'm eating a midnight snack of peanut butter and nutella on a hamburger bun (don't have any regular bread). I just needed people to know this.
The woman is a goddamn vision.
@Zombie Ms. Skittles: BINGO.
@boobookitteh: ICP was a dumb band with dumb lyrics. They dressed like goths and sang about violence.
Her dance was like, ridiculously cute and swanky. Ah, to have such ease and adorableness.
I just would like to say...that I NEED that big floppy wonderful bow that is on her head in that photo. I need it on MAI HED.
@eebryanreeder001: really well said. we should be applauding this girl and the people who supported her and gave her those tools.
I'd drink that drink anytime. Come to mama.
I find that lately, since it IS so overused, the term "douchebag" is no longer sufficiently expressing just how...well, douchey, a guy is being. I've had to turn to stronger sounding words, like fucktard, shitface, etc. It's desensitized us all!