Mitt Zombie

That is Jimmy Olsen Blues.

Nah, nothing is his fault. It will be the fault of Obama, da libruls, or the media lies according to him.

vegans most certainly get cancer as well, even non smokers and non drinkers.

Trump said he would "never take a vacation day as President". Today he said he would not work Friday, Saturday or Sunday but start Monday,,,,,

for explosive diarrhea

Latex or oil based?

I bought a Paddy's egg.

My dog's balls could replace Fallon.

was big around y2k

He is a good host but the show needs work. The band is certainly no Paul Scheafer and the world's most dangerous band either.

Know somebody that named their kid Max Powers….

Hugh Jass

Its all fake, half the kids are actors that can;t cook at all.

SHow is 99% fake….