
Asked my mom to knit me one she said no

2 door manual transmission or no deal

Never pee out the door without moving after. As a lad my friend did this before going into local truckstop for after hours drunken breakfast. It was cold out semifreezing so as were leaving and piling in the bus i slip and slide into the puddle of pee. "Help I've  fallen and smell like pee" was all i heard for a long

Just like every beetle crash on nurmberg ring classic vids from utube

Absurd is right. One headlight on a taycan worth more than my fleet when new

10 years of  farts in my 16 yr old seat cushions any interest? 

Whats book value on it. 

Max fiasco band name for sure

Give it a white stripe call it shamu

Electric nascar wall_e. 

Who wants to hear a diesel pumper when they could listen to screams water hissing on coals and two way radio chatter. Lets blow 6 mil on a truck that will get few miles driven when the postal service still runs llvs older than imaginable. We need to triage this issue of extinction. Also who you gonna call when the

These line i have imagined blurred since i was ten and got a panasonic generator lamp the faster i went the brighter it got. But downhills speeds on a flat now thats biking. Once drafted a dump truck on a flat it was like moms therapy bike with with 0 resistance. We should have started here and not a tesla. S.e.x.y

Enjoy the adventure. Going to the diy garage to use a lift. 

Changed a clutch on a lowered 320i with a 3liter crammed in it using cement blocks and a dirt ramp. To gain altitude enough to get in there. Learned just how many hose clamps needed to compress a gebo(rubber u joint)

Because jeep headlights suck people put in the blazing beams. My 2000 seems to have little better than carbide miner lights

Seems like they are blinding to more blinding or I’m just getting old. Yes any car with a lit up dash and lights off sucks(nissan) I thought all cars has dummyproof protocol like my vw oh i cant see my dash time to turn em on so simple. Or dimming lights doesn’t turn them off (nissan versa). 

I could fix it for 800 bucks and get 2000 for it. Nonprofit but its a great package. 

Prius= prii?