Streering columm cap looks like my 96 passat. Do they use vw bits?
Streering columm cap looks like my 96 passat. Do they use vw bits?
Save the wp for pammy.
Does fuel door give away base for propmobile? Whats with ads and articles playing chopping up my reading experience with something else? Whale penis to you
Mustangs dont killl people their flying parts do
Sheet of plywood?
SScrolled down first its an econoline .5 a sad puppy with a nose. About as useful as any half scale vehicle. My brother sold his and got an old fold woodviynled wagon because it held plywood . Stupid half assed misguided American car might as well be full metric like 3.8 feet wide by 7 6 ft long in cargo area.
Mitsubishi bring back the short wheelbase fuso fg 4x4. With a man transmission enen at 109 inches it can have a 10 ft bed. Mine is a yard truck now but it was a great rig
Will it take over steering if I gesture an empty Gatorade bottle?
Is it codesigned by lincoln? Because the gray makes me think old fart car.
Vape juice what makes a subaru a subaru
Cameras, onstar, cellphones. Kids nowadays so dumb. I know a kid who jumped a fence into nat guard motor pool and started up a deuce and half the real intention was to start jeep with old school searchlight with batsignal painted on it but battery was dead.
Studs are the only option when your driveway is a half mile of ice. My own personal rally stage!
Pajero was at the nefr different mass plate. New owner selling already. Not windsheild stickers and rearview mirror angle.
Looks like a quarter horse power
Uunrelated scat means poop
Looks like blinker lens and not a headlight lens?
Make ev wagon in brown with gated electroshifter(patpending)
Id prefer the wind noise over 150 in that than my jetta tdi wagon full of handyman tools. it went 110 once when it was more iron than rust.
This doing this there!!! Had the poster
Could use some extra leafs in the rear.