
Id buy a Blackberry phone with Android. :) Cool Android OS with Blackberry design and sturdiness ...sweet :)

Yeah, and why is this on my TECH portal? :)

I would Whoop that cops ass!!!! Cops are there to keep the people safe from criminals and preserve peace and not to order people around, throw them on the ground and cuff them for not hanging up the phone. F*** you Cop. The boy wasn't disturbing the peace, and he didn't threatening anyone! Jesus, if they wore real

I really dont like these kind of posts. It has nothing to do with gadgets or tech. Pointless...

@NuevoLeon: I want a choice on my Uber Expensive mobile device! I hate when people make me pay alot of money for something but they get to decide what i need. I have Iphone and HTC desire. And i tend to use Desire as my main phone simply becouse i can see flash. Its really bad when i go online to a web site that has

@PardonTheInsurrection: Really? I didnt know people use it. People i know and work with just ignore it. We use twitter so maybe thats the reason.

Google has to much money.. :) First Google Buzz fizzled away then Google Wave... am guesing GoogleBook social network is next.. :)

RIM needs to Evolve before there products. Since they are all suits we wont see evolving anytime soon.

To bad the main bad guy looks really plastic.. bad CG.. ugh..

i loooove this ad :)) really creative.

I was just approved as a commenter by one user and that surprised me. I didn't know you had this system. Its good to know.

@ToonLink97: Why don't they just return it? the Majority i mean.

What the hell is wrong with some of you people?! People that shit all over Apple and Iphone 4 don't even have and Iphone 4. Two of my friends have it and they say they have no problems with it. Yes they see bars dropping sometimes, but usually the calls don't drop.