Misty Berkowitz

I loved the book SO much, it was such a pleasure to read. I was sad when I came to the end of it, because reading it made me feel more peaceful.

The way she taught me to fold shirts has changed my life.

The entirety of the book was not for me but I really took the thing about discarding anything that doesn’t give you joy and I ran with it. My closet became so wonderfully clean and organized once I decided to throw out shirts and pants I used to wear 50 lbs ago. And all socks without a partner.

“I was skeptical, too. I hate new ideas, especially if they are popular. “

It makes me wonder if there’s some internalized helicopter/ “special snowflake” parenting going on, too. “Someone said a thing I don’t like. I don’t know how to think outside of my tiny mindset and can’t solve my own problems! I don’t have to put up with that! I must eliminate the source of this discomfort, which is

We still have 7.5 weeks left *cries into the 20+ reports I'm meant to be writing*

I just finished reading Big Little Lies (Liane Moriarty), which revolves around a group of busy body parents. I don’t have kids, I don’t even like kids. But this book was awesome. I recommend it for anyone who needs some busybody parent schadenfreude.

I am a parent. My kid has teachers. If I were snooping around on any of their social media pages and saw this, I would laugh hysterically and make a note to myself to up my end-of-school teacher gift game. I cannot imagine what it must be like to have to manage other people’s children all day long.

Because ISIS is lying. They’re running a successful PR campaign. Those sad (probably low IQ - let’s be honest) women will quickly find the truth when they get there and are immediately treated like sex slaves.

Because the kids ideals aren’t your ideals. Also they’re kids.

Honestly, I think there is a double-standard at play because he is a seemingly very nice, goofy, cute guy that Jez Nation thinks is adorable. Hell, I think he’s adorable! But he has repeatedly stripped down from high school to adult workplaces after being told repeatedly to refrain from doing so because 1) it makes

When my sister caught the bouquet at a wedding, her then boyfriend remade a big show of running from the garter toss. But she was expected to laugh and act like it was fine. Sadly, she did later marry him and they had a horrible marriage, followed by a drawn out divorce. Anyone whose idea of a joke is public

(Editor’s Note: I have serious feels about “Tall” being the name for a fucking Small and “Grande” being a goddamned Medium. Fuck you, Starbucks, I will order a Large, not a Venti, and you will FUCKING LIKE IT)

Wait, I thought “penultimate” meant “second to last”?

Right, incorrect statements, but truly racist ones? Only if you squint hard.

THANK YOU FOR THIS MADELEINE. I have hated Freedom since I read it a few months ago. I have told everyone who will listen of my hate for it. I even wished, in my heart, that someone would write this exact editorial, since I did not have the platform for it, so reading this was like having a tiny angel land on my

I believe it's Berglund. You know how Jez is with editing.

Although she writes an excessive number of them, in my opinion at least, I’ve been pretty impressed by how Diane Gabaldon writes sex scenes in the Outlander series. She tends to focus more on the feeling and emotion of sex than the physical activity and body parts involved, which seems, in my reading experience, to be

Don’t cry! I love maxis because they hide unshaven legs.