I think you mean 'lose,' not 'loose.'
I think you mean 'lose,' not 'loose.'
Tons of my parents' friends (and my friends' parents) got divorced in the 70s. It was a weird time, and feminism was making waves, and people were more likely to think the grass was greener somewhere else.
I'm with you. My mother's parents got divorced, then remarried. Two of my few cousins are divorced, and two of my husband's many cousins are divorced, but that's about it, except for acquaintances. All of my immediate relatives are on their first marriage, and all of our close friends are too. Higher education is…
Your acquaintances don't sound very nice. And I may be wrong, but I don't remember anything in Weissbluth about ignoring the baby all night or about babies being manipulative. That last bit is in Babywise, I believe, so maybe those moms were reading that, too.
I never said anything about not checking on a crying infant for hours at a time, so chill, please. Weissbluth's point is that sleep begets sleep, and that a baby needs to go down for the morning nap two hours after he wakes up. So I started doing that, even though it seemed weird to out him down at 8:30 (after he…
We lived in a really urban neighborhood with our first baby, surrounded by renters and empty-nesters. I desperately wanted to make mom friends but couldn't find any. I'd wander the local shopping mall with the stroller hoping to start a conversation with someone. One mom I tried chatting with cut me dead and I…
I had a friend who believed that whatever children wanted was what they needed. She never said no and her son was a terror. And both kids had their beds in their parents' room even in 4th and 6th grade!
Wedissbluth worked for me! Seriously, it was a miracle, and then he slept and was happy and I stopped sitting on the couch holding the baby and sobbing from sleep-deprivation. And it took very little time.
I'm a cry-it-outer. Took ten minutes for one kid (sorry!). Took three days for the other. And then we all slept blissfully. I'll be your friend.
If you really want a name that no one else in your child's class will have, but is not weird and unpronounceable, pick a name from the fifties. I think the next trend should be naming babies Carol, Joan, Susan, Jeanne, Laurie, Barbara, Ann, or Mary for girls, and Bobby, Robby, Dave, Mike, Dan, Don, Tony, or Ed for…
In my family we dressed up for Thanksgiving, but now I always spend the holiday with my husband's side. Here football is the focus, so we eat the meal during halftime and it does not matter what one wears. I usually make a little effort, but not this year. I have a nasty cold, so my beauty routine was non-existent.…
I don't love her books but they are readable; Sparks' books are not.
Don't spend much time with small children, do you? Dictation is a great thing for them; they tell the story and the grown-up writes it down. When you read it back to them, they feel powerful, start thinking of themselves as writers, and learn that when you write words down, they will stay the same every time someone…
Job to go to. Family to take care of. House to run. Books to read. Sleep to sleep. Not drowning in hours with nothing to do but watch tv, is all.
Leaving now, heading to Netflix. Thanks, all.
Thank you, NerdyNurse, you are a woman after my own heart. Those pictures of the, um, plot are fantastic.
Excellent. It just so happens I love beautiful men and superhero stories; I will have to check it out. I'm currently addicted to The 100, also on the CW. I'm not sure about the Flash, though as I still think of the lead as his evil character on Glee.
So should I start watching Arrow? I'd have to start all the way at the beginning and that's a bit daunting.
I'm a grown-ass woman and I cannot believe how much the trailer made me want to see this. I never even liked princesses when I was a girl.
No, alas. His recent hit song is bland and irritating.