Misty Berkowitz

Well, that's a matter of opinion, and I think it's interesting that it's yours. I've been reading Jezebel for years, and don't remember ever encountering female commenters here who say men can't be feminists. As I said, in real life, I don't know a single woman who would say that. It seems to be a fairly small

Yeah, wow. I don't agree with her either. You don't have to leave, honey.

My teenage sons are feminists. I noticed today that the 13 year old just posted a link to a witty thing about feminism from College Humor on his Facebook page. They get it. They — and their father — are feminists because they are decent human beings. I mean, if you think women don't deserve the same rights,

Oh, pshaw. I'm a feminist, went to a school that was full of feminists, most of the people I'm related to or are friends with are feminists, and I have never met a single feminist who hates men. I know they're out there, but there aren't many.

Where I live, preschool and kindergarten graduations are more common in the schools with higher rates of students in poverty. My theory is that the parents might not get to celebrate their children's high school graduations, let alone college, so they want the chance to celebrate their kids and be proud parents when

I do, every year. I loved my college experience.

Anne, you're right. I took ballet lessons for six years ans this ad is cringe-inducing. I understand the difficulty when casting for a movie about ballet — not that many actor/ballerinas to choose from — but for a commercial you don't really need acting skill. They should have gone with a real dancer.

Claire Danes' dress looks unflattering because it fits so poorly. The dress makes her look like she has a long torso, thick waist, and small yet droopy boobs.

This is all quite interesting to me because it's happening right now at our house. My son's school is having an informal promposal competition — run by the students on Facebook — where kids can upload photos or videos of their promposals and whichever one gets the most likes gets two free tickets. It seems to be

I'm a reader, so I use Goodreads, my local library's app, Overdrive, and Kindle a lot. Goodreads has a scan option with their app so you can just scan a bar code on the back of an interesting book and then add it to your list of books to read. I use the Weather Channel, Evernote, and Buzzfeed every day. I also like

Thanks, Anne. This makes me think I should go back and try Home Cooking again. I'm in love with her fiction, but haven't read much of her food writing because I'm not much of a foodie, cook, or dinner-party-thrower. But maybe I should be. The article makes her food writing sound delightful.

No, I missed it somehow. I'm running to google it now. Thanks for letting me know!

Hey, don't knock the Danskos. I'm a teacher and I wear them every day. Those things are amazing, and maybe I'm fooling myself, but I don't think they look too bad with a long, boot-cut jean.

I love the Notebook BECAUSE GOSLING, but I watch it at home and fast-forward through the old people parts.

God yes. I couldn't believe how beautiful he was.

I grew up with parents who made fun of the whole "Love means never having to say you're sorry" bit. I think my dad gave my mother a tshirt with a picture of King Kong holding Fay Wray and that tagline under it. They were in hysterics and I could not figure it out. Later I saw Love Story and thought it was pretty

God, Anne. I sobbed through that one. It made a huge impression on me. Took me days to recover.

Good. I love John Green so much, but Paper Towns is better than Alaska.

I cried through the whole last third of Fault in Our Stars. And I cried in Man in the Moon because I had a huge crush on Jeremy London. When I see pictures of him now (and his brother Jason) I feel sad because they both look so bloated and pathetic.

I really want to see this movie; I have since the trailer came out, but I never actually noticed it being released. I'll have to get it on Amazon Prime sometime.