Misty Berkowitz

My son is a junior in high school, and we've been visiting lots of colleges recently. Almost every one of them has been mentioned on Jezebel this year as having mishandled rape cases in a variety of horrible ways. If I had a daughter I'd be FURIOUS. As it is, I'm furious anyway, and don't want my son going to a

I love the way her dark lipstick works so beautifully with her purplish dress.

Chris Hemsworth is my other husband. Just sayin'.

She was embarrassing, alas. But then Darlene Love knocked it out of the park. It could have gone badly, but it worked, and she got a standing O.

You and Angelina both!

You and Angelina.

Emma Watson looks great. My teenage son is sitting next to me, and he's a big Emma fan. (Emma Stone is his other big crush.). I've got a crush on JGL, so it's all good.

I wanted that cute basketball in front when I was pregnant but instead I just looked big and wide. Sigh.

Go look at her while she's sleeping. I bet she looks like an adorable angel then, and you can remember how much you love her, how little she is, and be able to forgive her at least a little bit.

Thanks, it's my favorite book of all time.

Have you tried the MyPillow? It's kind of a cheesy website with cheesy infomercials, but it's a real, small company that makes terrific pillows. They don't do any of the miraculous things that the website claims they do, but they are still the best pillows I have ever bought, and they're washable. I will not waste

Whoa, you wash sheets MORE than once a week? And you wash bedding more than once a month? You are a very clean person. I thought I was great for washing sheets once a week, and bedding twice a season, but clearly not. That's a lot of work for a lazy person, so kudos to you!

I don't know.....but I suppose I'd prefer a top sheet, because I'd know that no one else had touched it. If you've washed the duvet cover just for them, you can tell them so, and explain European custom, and it would be fine.

We do the same. I gave my husband the book Home Comforts, by Cheryl Mendelsohn, and he read it cover to cover, because he's unusual like that. He told me about airing out the bed, so since we were newlyweds, we have pulled back the sheets and bedding to air out every morning. But we make the bed in the mornings before

Grace Kelly's dress is my favorite. It's what Gwyneth Paltrow was probably going for with her pink failure, but no one can touch Princess Grace.

I have never been able to understand why she wore a dress that didn't fit her properly. It could have been lovely if it were properly tailored.

This! I would love for it to be 9. Yesterday it was 10 below zero, and I decided to go hatless and gloveless for the short walks between car and stores, and it was fine. I'm getting to the point where 9 really will feel warm.

I disagree. Sunny and cold is much better than grey and cold. Grey days are really depressing, but blue skies are aesthetically pleasing, at least to me. Where I live there is a ton of snow, so when the sun shines at least my surroundings look pretty and picturesque.

Thank you. Sixteen years ago when I had my first baby, I was unable to breastfeed him because my milk didn't come in, and he couldn't figure out how to latch on properly anyway. (I had him ten weeks early, and when he was born via emergency c-section, I was in intensive care. So he was TINY, and I had to recover

Geez Louise, people, did you read the article? They each provide about 50% of the ideas, and they make the dresses together, with Mayhem doing more of it than you'd think. At no point does the mother claim that her 4 year old makes all these dresses by herself, nor does she make any kind of claims that her daughter is