Misty Berkowitz

Joss Whedon rocks, and I like what he did here. That said, I've never had a problem with the word feminist, nor have I ever been made to feel by others that there's something wrong with the word. I'm a feminist, always have been. When I started dating my husband, we were teens, and when I asked "are you a feminist?"

HOOOWWWW does Anna Wintour's colorist get her hair that shade of brown that gleams blonde? That's what I wanted but could never get when I went back to brown. So last time I said screw it and just went blonde again.

Oy. Can we just stop talking about her already?

Argh. I have had no luck for five years with finding a good sports bra, and then I discovered Lululemon's Ta-Ta Tamer. That thing is amazing and I need another one. But I promise not to buy anything else they sell.

I love my sweater shaver. It's one of the best things about fall: I get to use it again!

My Lucy pants are at least five years old and still look like new.

God, no. I did it after my second baby and I looked like crap. I have a nice face, but not nice enough to carry off that look.

I have a teenage son who is a ginger. Never expected that (no redheads on my side, only one on my husband's side), but man is his hair gorgeous. Strawberry blond and when the sun hits it, looks like spun gold.

Source?! Clearly I'm going to have to drop everything and have a Tom Hiddleston film festival.

Where is this clip from?! It has Hiddlestud, dancing, with THOSE ABS. I must know the source!

I tried to google the release date, but got nowhere.

I kind of like her, too, although I can't really explain why.

I kind of love it that Jennifer Aniston's hair looks messy and possibly even unwashed in the pics. Suddenly she seems like an actual human being.

I've never bought Vanity Fair before, but I am so buying the Gwynnie issue. VF must be so happy about all the free publicity she is giving them. I just can't wait for the GP smackdown, and I'm sure I'm not alone.

Why the dark green shoes? With black and pink, this is a color combo fail. But I still love SJP.

Um, maybe not. I'm a liberal Protestant, my husband is an atheist, and he married me because he was in love with me and didn't want to live his life without me. Many years later, we are still in love, and our life is still romantic. It has never once occurred to me that atheists wouldn't believe in romance.

I've always thought it odd how much more wholesome my life seems in comparison to the fundamentalists and right-wingers of the South, with their teen pregnancies and high divorce rates. I live in the North, in a city that is quite liberal, and most of us (straight and gay alike) are college-educated, employed,

I'm just going to go ahead and out myself as a member of the Grammar Police. The headline should read "It's These Dogs' Party," with an apostrophe at the end of the word dogs, to indicate possession.

It's my favorite book of all time. I've read it once a year for twenty years or more. I thought about calling myself Arnold Milgrim but thought that was too obscure, and besides, people would think I was a man. I do not have expensive green shoes but dream of owning some someday. I AM the scourge of God, however! I am