Misty Berkowitz

I've always thought it odd how much more wholesome my life seems in comparison to the fundamentalists and right-wingers of the South, with their teen pregnancies and high divorce rates. I live in the North, in a city that is quite liberal, and most of us (straight and gay alike) are college-educated, employed,

I'm just going to go ahead and out myself as a member of the Grammar Police. The headline should read "It's These Dogs' Party," with an apostrophe at the end of the word dogs, to indicate possession.

It's my favorite book of all time. I've read it once a year for twenty years or more. I thought about calling myself Arnold Milgrim but thought that was too obscure, and besides, people would think I was a man. I do not have expensive green shoes but dream of owning some someday. I AM the scourge of God, however! I am

Well said. I love beer and I love men. I particularly love the three men at my house — my husband and two teenage sons — who all identify as feminists without blinking an eyelash.

I'm with you. It's not that complicated, really. Take away the stereotypes and fearful misconceptions, and look at what it really means. Do you believe women should have rights, opportunities, and respect equal to men? Then you're a feminist. If you think that women are less worthy of respect than men, then you're

I want to be Mary Poppins one year. I'm a teacher, so it seems kinda perfect. You did a great job with your costume.

I met a Rolexus. It made me sad for her.

Colton's sister is Brianna, actually, but it would be spelled Breeahna or something stupid like that. My kid has a rock-solid name, but when he was 8 he said he wanted to call him Derek. I thought, no way, buddy, Derek lives in the SUBURBS.

The next wave will be the fifties' names. Doris, Anne, Carol, Susan, Barbara, Joan. That's where you should go if you want to avoid trendy names but want something other people will respect AND be able to spell.

Use "......for Congress" or "...... on lead guitar" as a name litmus test. That's what we did, and it helps with both the future resume issue, and the hip factor as well.