
Let’s endanger everyone in the sex trade (including trafficking victims and survival sex workers!) just on the off chance that it might make men treat women better.

If this were true than sex workers in those countries would be making absolute bank, and that’s not what’s happening. If anything, they make a little bit less since there’s more competition when you remove potential arrest as a deterrent. Please use logic.

Salt was initially written as a man. I believe they were looking at Tom Cruise for the role.

You land a relationship with a celebrity and spin it into a career that outlasts the relationship and then tell me how easy it is.

I don’t know what you’re trying to say here.

You should really be aware of how pimping/trafficking are defined legally. I’m not familiar with Maryland law but in a lot of places providing an active sex worker with housing qualifies. (As in, literally, in some parts of the world a sex worker’s landlord is a “sex trafficker” even if no sex work is taking place on

I think it’s worth noting another affect of stripper licensing — it drives women away from a relatively safe and legal form of sex work and towards escorting. So I’m sure that’s exactly the intended affect of the law.

I’m a 32DD/E and I haven’t worn a bra with wires in it in years. And that’s just when I wear bras, which I do rarely.

I secretly hope they’ve all been in on this together the entire time.

I actually thought that crop top one was super cute and different from the usual.

I’m actually really sad about this. They were one of the few places I’ve been able to find bikinis that can actually handle my tits and the one bikini I have from them is super cute. Time to go buy a new one, I guess.

Nope. That is a ridiculous statistic. Where did you get it? How did your source define trafficked workers?

No, 85% of sex workers are not trafficked.

Okay, but acknowledge that a lot of “anti-traffickers” do work that directly harms people who sell sex, including survival sex workers and trafficking victims. It’s especially sad because those groups do need help, but they’re not getting the kind of help they actually need. Which is Melissa’s entire point.

REMINDER: legalization and decriminalization are really, really, really not the same thing. If you’re unaware of the difference, you should probably educate yourself better before spouting off with your opinion. Here is a good explanation. Here is a video that goes more in-depth on the various legal systems applied to

I don’t want legalization. I want decriminalization, New Zealand-style. New Zealand has not seen a rise in human trafficking.

Okay, but if you’re going to use the word “pimp” you need to be aware of the legal definition and how “anti-pimping” laws affect sex workers. Women in some parts of the world can both be charged with pimping if they work together for safety, share a space, or arrange double sessions.

Christ, that’s ridiculous. The Kardashians are actually much more open about the effort that goes into maintaining their looks than most other celebrities. They’re very frank about the plastic surgeries and hours of makeup etc., which I think is far more honest than people who do all those things and then claim good

She’s not being an awful person, though. She’s just posting naked photos of herself on the internet.

Dear everyone who would like to see condoms used in porn: