
Yeah that's where I came down on the issue. It may seem pedantic but the show has made it clear it's interested in doing more than your typical nonsense TV tech nerd stuff.

WARNING: Don't think about the Van Houtens very carefully…..

Well as long as you're willing to accept this is a subjectve kind of thing…..I guess so?

If this is a joke, it's both funny and well-worded. Well done sir.

Yup! That's what my post history suggests.

Which insult's better, that or the "perfumed ponce" line?

They're both fans of big government and freeing slaves.

And I would ask you to actually read what I wrote. You honestly thought I was referring to you every single one of those examples? Or just explaining where I was coming from. But f you're stuck on the "I never said" train when I never claimed you did, cool. I grow weary.

Well clearly your expectations on which actors you wanted to see most impacted your enjoyment.

It's a shame they didn't consult you on which actors you wanted to see most. Assuming you have the same taste as the rest of us, they'd have been geniuses to talk to you, rando Internet guy.

Point being- why bitch about how much they utilize a good actor when you don't know how much they'll be utilized in the future? It's not unheard of for this show to introduce characters minorly and have them have bigger roles the next season, or vice versa.

Yup. And no chance they have bigger roles in next season.

It's almost like he could appear in more scenes later this season. Shocking I know.

I totally agree. For whatever reason the suit looked like it fit awkwardly.

I mean, I can believe it, but I kind of still can't believe they would choose that as their new tagline.

I have a friend who has worked with the show from a marketing standpoint who insists budget was one thing not impacted. But he could be wrong. Or I could be making him up.

Now it's DC YOU!

34 year old who never get a chance to say "bye" before his mom passed a few years ago. Tore me apart.

Agreeing in a roundabout way and different fashion. Mostly disagreeing with @avclub-866eb5ae214779f748f924a2dbca90a4:disqus

Yeah none of the male characters have had terrible things happen to them to help strengthem them. Sure. Excuse me while i roll my eyes back into place.