
I admit to both recognizing how bad the Fast and Furious films are but also how fun they can be at times.

Heaven forbid that money from these righteous assholes (to a business that was not, AFAIK, insolvent) be put to use in helping, oh, I dunno, battered women's shelters, homeless shelters, suicide prevention, cancer research, etc.

Yeah it's a weird feeling wanting to read Wally with Johns in charge (it'd be like actually wanting a gay birthday pizza from a bigoted establishment), but I agree. I'd prefer him on it than others.

I don't take selfies but I love the hate for people who do. Jesus, who cares if people want to take a vacation picture of Niagara Falls with them actually in the picture without needing to ask other people to do it for you?

Asian American also saddened by the Transformers thing.

Ha - his firm gets contracted by Sony to do the Community work. Been that way for a few years now.

Ok - didn't read the other posts so didn't see the citations. I thought you meant on the web.

No but I wouldn't mind seeing said citations.

The people may not be rational but they are modeling out revenue scenarios based on their perceptions of consumer's perceptions, and working in business and revenue and profit modeling, I have a hard time believing the ticket sales would be imapcted to the extent we are thinking. If that's the case and it's so

Clearly the movies. Do their financial models show that waiting an indeterminate period of time to get that money is viable? I doubt it.

THey wouldn't tank the movie if they could. As long as the property isn't in their hands for films, then the best they can hope for is better films to drive the brand of the FF.

I really think that's overstating the impact the general moviegoer has regarding superhero movies. I doubt many of them picked up Captain American before the First Avenger, I doubt many of the people read any Thor before his first solo flick.

That's the part that really took me out of last weeks episode - did they seriously not even bother talking to the police about a non-metahuman they locked up? That's some twisted shit

I dunno - the constant fuck up who doesn't mean well seems worse

I'm not saying that it makes sense but apparently Marvel's policy now is a 15 year or so sliding window timeframe where everything that's ever happened in continuity in the comics always slides forward (so it's not anacrhonistic for them to grow up using cell phones and the like) but always represents about fifteen

Disney's goal is to make money on these films. As much as possible. Using a completely unknown character as the focal point is a risk financially for a corporation. I don't think that's hard to see.

Oh I always thought Stein was the smart guy in Ronnie's head telling him how and what to transmute….

Except it's not just earthquakes (at least as per comics). She can localize seismic events in, say, someone's heart.

We may see an inhuman who can control metal but Magneto himself is the property of Fox, regardless of how he came about his powers

I wouldn't even call them quirks - they were who they were. I thought that was never more apparent than after Sorkin left and they suffered more from the characterization I think you're citing.