mister pain

Hey Kirk! Animator here, although I’m by no means an expert and I’m not involved with Horizon in any way so I have no concrete insight into the development of this animation flourish.

OMG. Just...

The so-called President is STILL losing the popular vote to Hillary.

That is how facists gain power. They count on everyone being polite and giving them equal time/opportunity to build their platform and then next thing you know they’re the 45th President of the United States.

‘Trump’s Signature Looks Like a Klan Meeting’

Now playing

The Nice Guys had great cars! How cool is cruising L.A. at night in a drop top Mercedes with a giant bumble bee?

“In my mind, yeah. Because Tilda Swinton, who had no relationship with all before this, tapped her as the One Asian Friend and went from “hey, can we talk about this” to “oh wise Asian, please enlighten me as to how we can make the entire world a better place?”

Kurt Coba...oh wait, nevermind.

So that’s why her dad hates Obama.

Just to combat the - inevitable - flood of “THIS IS WHY I DONT USE CONTACTS!!111!!!!”;

Couldn’t we shoot those with a BMI in the triple digits directly through the tube? Stuff them in, create vacuum in front of them, and - flummpp...

The Despecialized editions use film negatives and the crappy unaltered DVD releases as sources, but are upscaled, sharpened, cleaned up and blended into the frame to the point it’s unnoticeable.

Really? It looked dreadful (heh) to me, and I’ve heard next to nothing about the show since it’s heavily advertised premier a couple whenever that was. I didn't even know it was still on. But I don’t have cable, either.

One time I was flying from JFK to SFO, with a layover in Phoenix and saw Flavor Flav waiting at our gate. We went over and talked to him, he showed us the bag of clocks he keeps in Target bags with the rest of his Target bag luggage, and took a photo with us. He sat behind us on the plane (in coach) and yelled

Sure, a €7000 false pledge is a trolling. Everything is trolling. Death threats, trolling. Joking on a comment section, trolling. Why not just call it all “terrorism,” why are we diluting huge crimes by labeling everything with one benchmark phrase? If I stub my foot, am I harboring terror-toes?

Guys should use this technique.

Thetans. Just like, shitloads of thetans.

John Travolta & Kelly Preston have secrets? Tell me more, tell me more. Like does he have a car?