mister pain

Milo ‘PewDiePie’ Yiannopoulos, what a piece of ass work.

In Trump’s The Art Of The Deal he brags about a ‘power play’ where he doesn’t wash his hands after visiting the men’s room, so that he knows his junk is all over his hands when he power-handshakes in the boardroom afterwards. I am surprised any other national leaders agree to be in the same room as this f**kwit.

That was the trick with physical pinball... I had friends who could play for an hour on one coin. Once you skill level gets up there you can rock it for ages. The best I ever did was about 20 minutes (the cafe we all used to hang out at had some serious retro games as well as new ones, this was in the mid-90's in New

You mean all them experts and legal scholars who were heads of the State Department, the ones who were purged the other day precisely so they wouldn’t be there to consult?

Aaand overturned by a federal court! ACLU successfully blocks the halt on people with visas and green-cards at U.S airports. Let’s see what the Orange response is and whether he really is prepared to trample all over your constitution...

Isn’t it common knowledge that the U.S. is in the Middle East to keep the multi-billion dollar arms industry trucking along? It seems to be the consensus in any conversation you have all around the world, dunno about in the U.S.A.

The other difference is Disney has so much lawyer-money that nobody on the planet can afford to sue them over I.P. infringement. They are the will.i.am of animation producers.

You should have written this column.

There’ s a comment below that says the show is much better than the books... is that even possible? I had to stop watching two-thirds of the way through season 1 because I couldn’t handle any more of the college writing class-level scripting.

There’ s a comment below that says the show is much better than the books... is that even possible? I had to stop

Dunno, have you seen Man From U.N.C.L.E? He plays a cartoon of a handsome, callow, fashion-obsessed, smug guy pretty damn well. Maybe it’s just type-casting.


Steve Coogan, Night At The Museum?? That’s like knowing Louis Armstrong for ‘What A Wonderful World’.

Even though, in your own words, the source for much of the Despecialised is lower res than the laser discs?

Animator seems pretty over the whole scenario, handed in a blocked scene without any animation at all on one of the characters, and it got approved. Because even the boss didn’t give a toss.

Substitute the word ‘diner’ with the words ‘international flight’ and you have yourself a second article without any extra work! Though you might also have to substitute ‘Portland. Maine’ with something as well...

It’s anything but if you like gothic horror, good writing, great cinematography and grading, and the best performances that Eva Green and Timothy Dalton have ever given. It plays with the period’s characters in a League of Extraordinary Gentlemen manner, very well for the most part. At it’s best it’s better than the

A couple of nice-y’s and one asshole-y story.

Not anymore. He s a star of the acclaimed Penny Dreadful on Showtime, in which he is somehow very good. Surprising considering his neutered, wooden performance in The Black Dahlia killed what should have been a great movie... maybe another one of those deal-with-the-devil scenarios?

People keep posting that, but I am pretty sure it’s in the T.O.S. that you can’t straightaway re-launch the same failed kickstarter project.

I had to read this whole thing in the voice of the comic store guy from The Simpsons.