
I’ve done a lot of work for all corners of BP and love Deadspin like my kid loves Cheerios, so I’m torn here. If people on the outside find this all interesting, mazel tov, I suppose. If the unnamed BP sources who clearly influenced the direction of this article were really all that upset about the paycheck incident,

If your neighbors are elderly that doesn’t mean there isn’t something in common, or heaven forbid, they might actually be interesting. If you spend your life looking for people like you you’ll spend a lot of time with your tv.

Like, what’s the punchline?

Good. As you can see from the United example, the free market is forcing the airline to address itself. No need for Big Government to intervene. The investors will.

Falling in line every time JUST MOVES THE FUCKING LINE.

Counter counterpoint: he has made all his legal remedies more valuable and effective by raising the stakes.

That is a disturbingly accurate cartoon.

Tangential to the article but I stopped doing dedicated lifts for my trapezius (shrugs and the like) and by just focusing on deadlifts alone they are stronger than they’ve ever been. I imagine the corollary for your core to be true as well.

I’m highly skeptical anytime anybody suggests that an exercise will meaningfully improve explosive/power movements. I don’t buy it with Olympic lifts. I certainly don’t buy it with cheating squats.

Do squats and deadlifts.

Moonlight: Best Picture,” spat Horowitz.

I don’t understand how anyone is so good at this game. Like, am I seriously the only person who loves 1st person shooters and happens to be terrible at BF1? 

The streak ending sucks. Anyone who follows a team and they have a winning streak like that get snapped, it’s never fun. But for me, following since inception and dealing with years and years of banging my head into a concrete wall with the likes of Doug MacLean and Scott Howson (for the short list), I am still damn

Reporting on the comment section. What a job.

Short answer: Most people that teach lifting are dumbasses and not qualified to do so. From school coaches, weekend Crossfit certified coaches, to the 20-year old personnel trainer at the big box gym.

Agree with most of what you say, but man... I dunno about that deadlift number. I think there’s too much likelihood of a rounded spine while learning form; if you don’t have a spotter who can diagnose and correct immediately, starting with a plate seems risky. I’m just going off my own experience, but if I’m lazy or

1. Start with the bar.

If someone has been lifting for 2 decades and is seeing a 5LB per month increase, that’s pretty great. That’s 60 lbs per year. That program is all about small, steady increases in your core lifts, and if it’s still working, more power to them.

How I usually start with beginners (first time):