Mister Maximo

And thinks that makes him smart.

That’s one of the great things about bigots; so many of them are fucking idiots.

Man, this type of story is a white supremacist’s wet dream. They are loving that they can focus on the fact that these two men were arrested for trespassing, rather than the focusing on the discrimination and profile policing. They are repeatedly asking, “How can this be discrimination if they broke the law?” Yet,

Peace, my dude.

That CBD link in NSFW.

How do you know if a person is going to add value to you if you don’t at least spend some time with them up front?

Nah son, the hubris is in adding your tangential specificity to my general statements about the value of time. All that talk about networking, professional ambition, and claiming busy ain’t got nothing to do with me or my comment.

Fuck that. I live by this. Time is the most precious, and most price elastic commodity a person has. If you ain’t adding value to mine, then Peace, my dude. You either understand this or stay hanging out with bums.

This entire list is could’ve easily been summed up as, “Say it. Nigga, I dare you. Go’on. Say it.”

“Mommy, are white people better than me?”

Since a Government study found that schools are racist, and most schools are funded by the Government, it seems fit to hypothesize that...

Isn’t this the same thing Lil Dicky did with Chris Brown on his song Freaky Friday?

I’d definitely be one of those racists who say I’m not, but still let the supremacy stay in the fullest effect. That seems like the easiest road to travel. I wouldn’t be actively participating in the racism, but I still get to reap all the benefits. I’d probably date white girls too. But never bring them to cookouts.

Fuck restaurants. All the ones that I’ve worked in were just plantation kitchens no matter what the ethnicity of the owner. They’re money pits, so GM’s pay their staff shit, treat them like shit, and could give a shit.

Take it from someone who lives AST (Bermuda). It’s not all it’s cracked up to be. The only real benefit is the extra hour you get when flying to the east coast.

I still don’t understand why we continue to make keep these people rich.

What a bum.