Mister Maximo

Do they burn Littlefinger’s body?

Is this the track with Shorty Shit Stain on it?

Hurricanes are seriously dangerous as fucks. I did not know this until I relocated to where I live now. We’ve experienced four or five over the last few years (I live in Bermuda), with two in one week (Fay (Cat 1) & Gonzalo (Cat 4), 2014). Luckily we’re built for them. I just wish that more folks in places that can

I’m thinking it was actually bullshit that she used.

I’ve been taking 200mg Modafinil (legally obtained with a prescription) for about seven months. I did some research on it first, then asked my doctor about it. I told him that I wanted to boost my alertness and focus for study and work (I had no idea that EDS was a thing). He was cool with writing me a prescription

I just had an interesting conversation with a white British ex-pat that started with, “Did you hear about that shooting?” He heard my accent and thought that I was American (I’m not, although I grew up there). It was so weird trying to explain to him that the U.S. is one of the youngest first world countries, and that

I cried.

You make a good point. Tifa never showed cleavage in FFVII.

He had to decide that wearing sneakers to court would definitely improve his chances of getting to Madison before anyone could stop him. That being said, it was a good decision considering the amount of air he got over that desk.

By holding mirrors, we hope to suggest that women are a reflection and embodiment of nature, the sun, the sky and the land.

I don’t think the issue is with the name Indians, but their Chief Wahoo mascot.

Sorry, but nobody’s really “spiritual”. It’s all ego.

“How old is fifteen really?”

It is easy to denounce the part Bowie played in this, even with any number of purportedly mitigating factors: the political context, Maddox’s story, the fact that he lived with generosity and openness, the less generous fact that his synapses were perpetually blitzed with cocaine.

Good to you for pointing this out. Any commenters saying that it’s because it’s a Nordic school are missing the point. Diversity in fantasy is an issue because in fictional worlds you can have all types of mythical creatures and races, but humans are rarely depicted as any other ethnicity besides Caucasian. This

The White Devil is alive and kicking

To think that Ozil is four assists off of matching Thierry Henry’s 20-assist-season record after 18 matches. The Premier League has been great this season.