I call it feeding because I did not find the religious themes in the show to be subtle at all. They were very overt, unoriginal, and one-dimensional.
I call it feeding because I did not find the religious themes in the show to be subtle at all. They were very overt, unoriginal, and one-dimensional.
It sounds that way because you choose to interpret it that way. I did not in any way say that they were pushing an agenda. I just did not like how they portrayed and incorporated religion in the show. It was done as a simple cliche and with no diversity at all. I thoroughly enjoy how religion is handled in good sci-fi.
I want to give it another shot. Really, I do. But I just can't get over all the religion they're feeding viewers.
Are you saying it's an accident of geography, somehow, because NYC splitting off would physically sunder Long Island from the counties north of NYC and Upstate?
Please read my response to others with this claim (like funkylovemonkey in this discussion thread) or Article IV, Section 3 of the U.S. Constitution. Pay specific attention to the part about new states not being "formed or erected within the jurisdiction of any other state".
That's not really a question I can answer, since they're not my government.
NYC resides within the jurisdiction of NY state, and the U.S. Constitution forbids the forming of state within the jurisdiction of an existing state. It is not the same as splitting because of Long Island, which can constitutionally become a state.
According to the U.S. Constitution, states cannot be formed within existing states.
Yeah, I had to go make sure that I'm still up on my current events. It would have made more sense written as:
Don't for all of the British Overseas Territories.
According to Article IV, Section 3 of the U.S. Constitution, "New states may be admitted by the Congress into this union; but no new states shall be formed or erected within the jurisdiction of any other state; nor any state be formed by the junction of two or more states, or parts of states, without the consent of…
If that melting pot of 'talent' doesn't say America, then I don't know what does.
I wish Walter Bishop was real.
Tried to watch this show and failed miserably.
You can click the "Vote" link that's next to "View Results".
I remember reading about ibogaine years ago. It's used in Central African rituals and can treat opioid addiction. It's banned in some countries though due to being highly psychoactive and hallucinatory.
There is no federal mandate for vaccination but every state requires that children have certain vaccinations before entering public school. I remember being required to get immunized to go to college.
These guys remind of the Beastie Boys during the Licensed to Ill/Paul's Boutique era. I still can't say that I'm 100% into it, but I think they're at least making better rap videos than their competition.
What have they been smoking?