Mister Maximo

You're kidding, right? Hawkeye and King Vultan are billed over Magneto?

I didn't think that, but I wanted to be sure. Lightice explained it quick enough. Thanks for clearing it up and thanks to those other guys for trying to stir things up. Clearly not every assumption was on the "ape shall not kill ape" reference.

Just to be clear, are you referring to the African soldier as "another ape"?

With a mug like that I would think the fates have cursed it enough.

Simply beautiful. Got any more?

"Snorky... talk... man..."


I agree. Wikipedia makes it easy for the audience to research any characters they don't know. They shouldn't be spoon fed the Marvel Universe when it took me decades and thousands of dollars to become familiar with it.

Galactus was more of a Fantastic Four villian. Although he was introduced in the FF movies.

I just watched this episode and the first thing that stood out was that this time the son, who had to be physically subdued from going after his brother, was telling his dad that they could come back later when dad was ready to make a move. The rest of the episode didn't seem to make much sense either. The characters

Now playing

No, my comment wasn't meant to be taken seriously, but I do feel there is some truth to it.

Can you explain to me how it would annoy or anger anyone, and how it appears to be designed to do that? Racial profiling was the first thing that came to mind as I read this article. I did not say "white man bad" or "that's racist". I made a comment that I thought was played on the context of the article (black men,

You know what America also wants? And end to white-collar crimes. Not a difficult request either, really, but these rich old white guys who have had some of the best social opportunities for education and employment can't stop cheating the American people through Ponzi schemes and insider trading. As a black male, I

I didn't mean to be annoying. Allow me to make it up to you.

This isn't news. America has wanted black men either dead or in prison for over a hundred and fifty years.

@ P.F. Burns


If it's so environmentally conscious, why does it only seat one?

@ geekzilla

@ Ninja Robot Pirate