I'm still waiting for someone to write the zombie equivalent of Twilight so we can get on with this already.
This will not be Akira.
I can sort of understand this.
Angelina had the lips. Those sexy Lara Croft lips. Even a young Lara Croft didn't have the bust, she would still have the lips.
Don't forget Lara Croft's lips. I always thought that they chose Angelina Jolie because she had the shapely mouth to match.
This doesn't seem much more ridiculous than the films deciding to rewrite the canon with Iceman not being an original X-man, Jean Grey killing Cyclops, and Havok teaming up with Mystique when Prof. X and Magneto were younger.
Yet she did get the credit.
Yeah, I'd be flattered too if I was an English teacher who got the credit for spreading stupid.
The stereotypical Middle Eastern terrorist faction, although cliche, is not on the list. The only list item that were remotely in True Lies was number 6 (the Crimson Jihad had a nuke).
I figured that one was a given.
One of my main concerns at this news was not the response from terrorist groups, but the response from the other fanatics who will use this as an excuse to get drunk and terrorize American Muslims and those who will be mistaken for such. Much like what was happening after the 9/11 attacks when it seemed like anyone…
It's "Allah hu akbar"
@GDMF: Nice.