Mister Maximo

I don't think so. There are too many sci-fi and fantasy best sellers to ignore. Stephen King alone would warrant recognition for the genres.

I'm thinking the placebo effect would work quite well.


I'll give it a try. Thanks.

Clearly I am the one who doesn't understand. What does any of this have to do with fun?

Considering that I already have a 9 to 5, a part-time job and go to school part-time, this is obviously not for me. But I think that your advice is some of the best, second only to Kotse's.

"So there's some good stuff here, and a some photoshop disasters."

@ trystd, Darigaazrgb, jedimastereric, Kotse, davesymm, Sl0th, bioball & Srynerson

As much as I liked American Gods, I'd probably like to watch Anansi Boys more.

This is why I read Marvel. And also why I stopped reading superhero comics altogether.

I've thought about this! I've played Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Tag Force on the PSP and really enjoyed it. That's why I wanted to try MtG.

America believes anything.

I am totally lost. I've never played Magic: the Gathering, but I've always wanted to give it a shot. Some really awesome artwork though.

Hell, they can cook it on a spit, as long as they don't kill off Astrid.

I don't know. Looking back ten years ago when everything on the WB (or whatever it was called at the time) was angsty teen programming, Smallville fit right in. The problem I think was after three or four years of high school, the writers were lost for a direction to go in. They tried to send Clark to college (that

And what about Carrie Fisher?

Kane and Batista have been on Smallville and are both pretty wacky, I think.

So will he be a registered sex offender?

I am so there!

11. On DVD, because the show got canceled and Serenity's not getting a sequel.