"...and she falls in love with him. Eventually, she learns to love him back, and they're married."
Why did I just know Automan was going to be on this list?
I think A Scanner Darkly should be rated higher. It stayed closer to the actual plot than most, if not all others, making it a true adaptation. And the way that it was shot conveyed the feel of the novel. Maybe not as cerebrally sci-fi as the other films, but it should at least be standing next to Blade Runner.
I didn't see Next, but I agree wholeheartedly with you on Paycheck. They used PKD's concept, but as far as execution goes you'd think it had been written by Robert Ludlum or Dan Brown. I was so disappointed when I saw that film because I like Ben Affleck, Uma Thurman, Paul Giamatti and John Woo.
This feature will be airing on YouTube, right?
The largest dinosaurs weighed 130-150 tons, whereas blue whales weigh up to around 200 tons.
I've noticed that only when logged in I can't see who comments are in response to.
Professor X does not look happy about this.
We must protect any species that provides a nest for boobies.
Yay! Total Recall! Will it be as witty? Or will it be darker?
Grow more hemp.
"Do you want to know more about Spider-Man?"
Me too. I'd actually like to see how far they'll take the terrible redneck stereotype. Like, will they be introduced doing donuts in a trailer park? Will they spit oil like chew? Will they call Jazz "boy"?
He wasn't even that.
Regardless of everything that Will Smith has done musically (Big Willie Style and Willenium both went multi-platinium) since changing his name from the Fresh Prince, he still deserves a pass for rocking the house in the 80's.