Don't forget the Cheech & Chong classic! With Pee Wee Herman as the Hamburger Man.
Don't forget the Cheech & Chong classic! With Pee Wee Herman as the Hamburger Man.
So does size really matter or not?
"Snarf! I choose you!" -Lion-o Ketchum
Looks like they just updated the stereotypes,.. ahem,.. uh, cliches.
With the colors and the shapes I still saw that there were changes occuring during the rotations, although they weren't as drastic as the static rings.
That doesn't seem like a very good explanation to me. Just because it happens with a degree of frequency doesn't explain why it happened. Maybe it was something as mundane as fireworks and mid-air collisions, but that's still a maybe.
Sounds like bad news, but I'm thankful. A crossover of this magnitude would probably be botched to same degree.
@Sad Doctor: That scene was the first thing I thought about when I read the headline. And then Batman tipping his hat to Clark Kent when he finds the bat-tracer.
So this vaccine can turn good coke into bad coke?
@Thogar: Roadkill tastes better than skykill?
@DefiantDragon: Some starlings fell out the sky with this flock. So them blackbirds must've brought some reinforcements. Little good that did 'em tho.
Somewhere, a time traveling hunter has just squished a butterfly...
Looks like I chose the wrong year to stop going to church...
Ok, but how do mood swings work?
Drip... drip... drip...