
Uh, you gotta be more specific about what you do like. Because what you said is, “I don’t like sorbets, what other dessert should I buy?”

Definitely not a Nintendo-sourced rumor, for sure.

I actually think “Born Leader” is better and more flattering than “Future Leader.”

It’s not a prequel unless it comes out AFTER what it’s meant to take place before.

Sounds fun! But man, I find that I often hate it when a story starts and they just throw all these proper nouns at you and terminology unique to this story without any context for what those words mean. It’s like when I play a Tales game and they just throw this word (if you want to call it) salad at you and I still

Yeah I really hope that they mean the second half of the missions take place in locations only used for those mission, and you still use the open world to travel between them. The only time you should fully take away an open world in favor of linear play, is at the very end of a game with one of those, “You cannot go

Which one is Sombra? Is it the bird?

Battleborn is like Barb from Stranger Things. . and Overwatch is Will Byers. . .

It was the least popular group.

Bad timing. This month’s freebies were the worst offerings in a long, downward-trending stretch of poor selections.

You guys really need to get over this multiplayer bullshit. I’m supremely grateful that there aren’t other jack asses in my universe fucking with my gaming experience. As someone else stated, there is nothing in this game that would be that fun to play with another person on your screen anyways.

If I recall, Sean had

They may have lied about one single part of the game which doesn’t matter that much since the chances of meeting another player is close to zero. As for the two that did somehow find each other, Hello Games have come out and said it’s probably a bug. They have said repeatedly that it is only technically a multiplayer

Congrats on having level headed expectations. For everyone else who expected this to be the last game they’d ever need, I just don’t get where they’re coming from (at least not right now)

Regardless of what they said two years ago, I have absolutely no problem with this game NOT being multiplayer. Im enjoying myself the way it is now.

I guess. Ah well, nothing stops me from naming them that :P and with this many planets, Lucas/Disney better have a lot of lawyers :P

Zero chance it would have met expectations unless they somehow snuck in an entire city building, dogfighting, diplomacy mashup hybrid patch. Gamers have totally turned against this developer, predictably enough.

I’ve had to jump into space and hit the station to do all my selling. It’s a little inconvenient, but at least then I just aim for a different part of the planet when I go back. I’m not actually sure I’ve seen populated outposts on any of the extremely hostile weather planets yet.

If you care about trophies, don’t buy a 1.5M units ship when you first see it. There’s a trophy for having 2M units at one time that you’ll be kicking yourself over.

Doing that nets you money. Want to move up to a newer, bigger ship? Scanning will help you get there faster.