
So true. I am glad that IDW doesn’t or no longer have Simon Furman writing the bulk of the storytelling like he did when he was at DW and Marvel.

Devastation is in its own continuity that is mostly based off the G1 cartoon.

This cartoon is also its own continuity that is mostly based off of the IDW comics, which borrow elements from a lot of different universes.

I suspect “adult themed” means they aren’t going to inject stupid human kid characters in, and maybe more bots will die.

And by suspect, I mean hope.

unlike one punch man, expect a slow start for this one...it’s worth it tho

Which is a fair point, and a reason why longer sentences don’t necessarily do what the punitive punishment camp would like to think they do.

You’re missing the forest for the tree, but I’ll indulge you.

She was 18 (17 at the time it appears?) with a 28 year old. To say she had full control of her behaviour, or an understanding of the consequences, or even a reasonable expectation of justice is a gross assumption here.

Yep, it’s this same bullshit whenever people think Vengeance plays any sort of role in Justice.

Do you have a daughter? Do you have a daughter that killed someone? If not, how can you say that with any kind of certainty?

It doesn’t though. It COSTS taxpayer money.

Thank you for encapsulating what is wrong with the American Justice System. People think of it, and use it as, a punitive punishment system. It should be for reform and justice. Yes, it’s tragic someone died here, but no one gains anything from her being locked away in the slammer for the rest of her life.

No, he does not. Dead people do not envy, they are dead.

not sure a 40 year plea deal for second-degree murder for a 16 year old girl is “pretty lenient”

How is she even alive, much less acting? Maybe she could be the Cryptkeeper in a rebooted Tales From the Crypt.

You mean like the massively dated Master Chief talk about dated character design in an active franchise......Kratos at least has a purpose, he IS God of War from a story perspective....

I enjoyed the story of God of War, but it wasn’t a story that lent itself to lots of future expansion. And I agree that GoW was always defined as much by the grandiose levels and the spectacle of killing mythical creatures as it was by the story (perhaps more so). The new game definitely seems like it has lost the

I really wish Kratos had nothing to do with the game. He’s the worst.

People would just google where to find it anyway. This does the same thing but keeps them immersed and in game.

She’s really recent though, the name was dropped like, 10 to 15 chapters ago maybe? the character was shown even more recently. And the anime is not even close from talking about her.

It’s cute how people seem to think that Zelda has a timeline.

we are going to make america great again..pack your bags, grifter - your time is almost up