
Couldn’t agree more and I hate that about Netflix. I wish HoC was released weekly, would be so great to go in Monday and discuss an episode with co-workers instead of the ending and maybe a scene or two that stood out.

Awesome to hear that, It’s nice when a developer gives a good faith effort to recreate a city!

Yeah but come on...comics.

I sorta feel like a sheep for getting as many re-mastered games as I have and being so excited for others BUT they by and large are picking the better more beloved ones (which seems obvious now that I’m typing it out).

Like part of me gets it...if you can have a higher player then a lower your gonna want the higher.

No Squadron Supreme characters. Anyone know how that’s been doing sales wise?

Monster on the left might be Devil Dinosaur, would fit with the divided theme and moon girl on the right.

That’s the biggest problem, they need to stop trying to make them the new Xmen and figure out how to make the inhumans it’s own property.

No, to my knowledge it won’t be confirmed. But given that title’s...current vacancy, plus the color scheme it seems like a lock.


Haha, he actually has nothing against the concepts or doing nerdy stuff. It’s because he calls the contracts “draconian” the idea of signing onto one movie where you can read the script is great.

As someone reading this at work I certainly appreciate it.

Nice write up. Glad to see as a larger issue it’s being fleshed out and by a writer who seems to understand the subtleties of the topic a bit more, Vs Nick Spencers writing which seems way to hamfisted but runs a similar far left stand point.

Any expanse fans in the house? I love how that series handles spaceships. Giant bricks with an engine slapped on it. Aestetics don’t mean jack in the void of space. Just gotta get it from point A to point B with as little loss of life as possible.

This is...actually a really good question.

I’ll continue to root for and against Carol. I root for her since she’s my favorite character and I want her to survive... but if they kill her I’m FREEEEEEEEEE of this show.

I don’t believe Benedict is going to be playing a tibetan character.

That’s a great point. I mean most of the original avengers cast has claimed at one point or the other Movie X will be it for them, only to do Y and Z but still will come a point.

Jon Hamm, too bad he’s publically said he’ll never do a super hero movie.

X-Men would need to be a different universe. AvX style movie could be Doom pulling the strings to get heroes fighting to destroy each other.