
This looks lovely; I’m a big train fan so this is basically a must buy for me. It’s a shame last year’s holiday train was a bit crappy, though.

I am so glad I left secondary school before smartphones (and technology) reached this level of ubiquity in our lives. It sounds like a goddamn nightmare.

It’s a Fun Pack, which means no story component; just an Adventure World to play in. It does raise the question of how it got greenlit as a Lego set, however.

I imagine the number of Switch owners who will never ever take their Switch out the dock is vanishingly low, to be honest. In any case, that is beside the point. I should be able to buy an expensive piece of hardware without it literally distorting from general use.

The problem with Sonic CD is that its levels aren’t quite geared up to exploit the time travel mechanic, and seeing everything the game has to offer quickly devolves into busywork. The special stages are technically impressive, but infuriating to actually play. You can’t really treat it as a conventional Sonic game,

Since the Wii supports both Gamecube games and component cables, it undermines this line of thought a bit. Unless you’re wanting to play GBA or GB games at 480p, but how big a group of people is that?

I prefer to only pump once.

I’m pretty sure it’s from one of Arin Hanson’s Sequelitis videos.

That’s encouraging. To be honest I find a lot of D-pads pretty unwieldly; if I had my way the PS Vita D-pad would appear on every console in perpetuity.

Is fucking a verb or an adjective in this context?

That makes sense. In retrospect the picture (and the brightly lit keyboard) should have clued me in.

That makes sense. In retrospect the picture (and the brightly lit keyboard) should have clued me in.

Sounds like Sonic ‘06 was an even bigger own goal than previously imagined. Thanks for the recommendation!

How often do people use mouse pads nowadays? If one this size exists there’s certainly a market for them, but none of the the mice in our office even need a mouse pad any more.

How often do people use mouse pads nowadays? If one this size exists there’s certainly a market for them, but none

Articles like this one reinforce the fact that Sonic as a pop culture icon is kind of flabbergasting. He’s a character that inspires TV shows, comic books and fashion lines and he’s stayed in the pop culture landscape, uninterrupted, for over 25 years. He’s as popular as he’s ever been, but the games, the thing we

I’ve been using a white SSB controller to revisit my Gamecube collection. It’s probably one of the best-looking controllers I own, and just look at the box it comes in!

Now playing

The Nostalgia Critic did a video recently about dubbing actors in films. I think it presented a pretty nuanced take on the issue.

The Australian one looks like a screenshot from a Deus Ex game.

The common thread between the two acts is that they’re the last thing you’d do in that situation, and can be done much better elsewhere.

I guess that makes sense, but if it’s actively preventing people from using the game feature (irrespective of how capable they are of doing so) it doesn’t seem to have worked out too well. I imagine it wouldn’t fit with the game world, but something like GTA Online’s strategy (lots of apartments in a single building)