
The reason for Black being used as an identity is because, for many Black Americans, that’s exactly their heritage. The history of their family was lost due to slavery, and their identity was created around the sole existence of being Black in America. Black folks don’t go around calling themselves or each other

lol shit, whoops! I don’t know where I thought I saw 15 in the original article, and Kinja says no edits ever

Right, using social media to help find his kid was appropriate.  Now that she’s safe, social media doesn’t need to be involved anymore.

“He also noted that “there’s a long story to this,” which he plans on sharing in the future.”

Brian’s article appears to just be regurgitating statements of fact, so I’m not sure what part you think is reaching?

it’s not going to be a direct connection, it’s going to hit Sony’s server then send down to the receiving console so it’s likely either the same speed or slightly slower.

Yeah, 10 year olds aren’t known for having a million dollars so idk who he thinks would pay this lol.

Logan* Paul

I really should have scrolled-down before I commented, because I said the exact same thing in another thread.

If there’s one thing I’ve learned (at least on console), it’s that unfortunately a lot of people don’t think about team synergy or map viability. It’s why you see teams rocking Widowmaker and Hanzo on Oasis University even though literally any damage character is a better choice. Or rocking Widowmaker and Hanzo

I do believe, with hard work and honest reckoning, people can grow out of the ignorance, fear, and projection that leads them to be racist, homophobic, transphobic, ableist, sexist. Basically all the isms.

Oh Chrissy you insincere vile fucking demon. I hope she loses every fucking brand imaginable. You know her fucking catfishing gremlin Yahsar going into overtime to clean up her shit.

Because the franchises haven’t been moved.

Not necessarily bad grammar. The use of the singular ‘they’ has a history stretching back to the Middle Ages. It fell out of favor in the 18th and 19th centuries because dudes who wrote grammar books though him/him/his should be the default singular pronoun, but even celebrated writers from this period like Jane

Me neither! I mean, is Harron implying that the use of “they/them” pronouns is meaningful? (I think that they/them has commonly been used to indicate generality, i.e. “people”). Use your words Harron Walker.

I don’t understand

I really have to wonder how much less this would be happening if only almost any of the other candidates had won rather than Trump. Trump is a symptom of far-right often racist ultra-nationalism and not the only cause, but he certainly made the disease worse.

Another 99-year old man with a variety of serious pulmonary and cardiac issues taken in the prime of his life.

I guess there’s enough blood from the sweatshop workers in their shoes already.