this isn't the bath water woman. That was Belle something. As far as I'm aware Pokimane mostly does gaming.
this isn't the bath water woman. That was Belle something. As far as I'm aware Pokimane mostly does gaming.
I’m more of an asterisk fan myself but I honestly would get a butthole bottom costume like that
You know, each costume has an upper and lower part to the costume and we aren't seeing the back of the bean in the tweet. There's still time to add a butthole to this design.
I’m all for them raising money for charity, but damn the money raised vs the time it probably took them to learn the routine, record it and edit it is really low.
I’m having a hard time telling if those are mesh or if the design of the fabric just makes it look like that. I do remember an actress being jumped on a couple months ago for crocheting a mask
I really really want to know if his statistics for the number of cases in the world being more included the cases within the United states. I'd wager they did.
Frick see saws to heck. You need to be out front if the pack because apparently half the people playing this game think it’s a better idea to jump to your death than to wait for the see saws to straighten a bit.
I may be thinking of double exp campaigns. I remember heading up to escha - ruaun, fighting the enemies that have jobs with an exp ring and getting over 10k per kill
Would you believe it ramps up significantly? Especially after you’ve done Rhapsodies missions.
They’re about as transparent as that warning that flashes on the screen during an ad in tiny font for a couple seconds. Sure the information is there about how they operate, but they definitely don’t want you to realize how far their influence reaches.
Where else do you think he's seen aliens?
I honestly don’t know what replies you’re reading. You were talking like it was “feminine-form Byleth’s” choice to dress that way when it was clearly somebody in an office somewhere choosing the design. In no way did I imply that dressing that way is not okay. I was clearly talking about people who want to be…
Thanks for this reply. It was something I forgot to mention in my own. If we are to expect that Byleth has the same characteristics in either form why is one sexualized and the other not?
I don’t know why this needs to be said, but Byleth isn’t a real person who made the decision to dress themselves. The point made by the OP is valid because it was some designer out there who made the decisions to dress a character or have them stand in a way that would widely be considered sexualized. Some people may…
I think we're well past the point of admitting that the USA is a failed experiment. There needs to be some kind of hard reset.
Going to a theater is definitely different than watching a movie at home. The theaters around here are also starting or have switched to reclining chairs as well so it’s not an uncomfortable experience in tiny chairs anymore.
What is a list of things that don't like Trump?
I’m still a little iffy on the age gap but honestly, I can’t say that there was anything wrong in their relationship. Near as I can tell she wasn’t grooming him as a teenager, she wasn’t using her status to pressure him, and they were both consenting adults. Jada and Will weren’t the people to come out after at least…
I don’t get the first story in this article. Like the headline is mad that they’re taking attention away from a BLM protest because of something that isn’t even confirmed? So in frustration over 2 people that are getting more attention from the media than a protest you’re going to.... write an article about the 2…