I went to my 10th, tried to hook up with an old crush and then thought better of it when I realized she was downing Jack and Cokes as fast as the bartender could make them. It was nice to catch up with some folks, but for the most part...meh.
I went to my 10th, tried to hook up with an old crush and then thought better of it when I realized she was downing Jack and Cokes as fast as the bartender could make them. It was nice to catch up with some folks, but for the most part...meh.
What makes you think people would want to go to their high school reunion at all?
Rhaenyra’s two older sons aren’t toddlers. Why do people keep saying that? They’re at least 7/9 years old. Aemond is a few years older for sure but the brown-headed boys are not babies. And Criston Cole turned the queen down. She asked him to take Luke’s eye, and he said no. IDK feels relevant.
Princess Di? More like Princess DIED!
A GI Jane and an OJ joke, is this guy still living in the 90s
Rock’s next comedy set will be jokes about the Iran Contra Affair and Ollie North. Rock will be wearing a Max Headroom Tshirt, Adidas Shelltops and flat top while impersonating a movie he just saw called ‘The Terminator’. Free Geritol and Ducilax shots to audience members before midnight!
Gotta disagree on the Ruckus/Xb. I drove one for 6 years and loved that thing.
The phrase either originated or appeared in the movie Girls Just Want to Have Fun, starring Sarah Jessica Parker and Helen Hunt. A boy who was constantly harassing girls did it as he was crossing the line to assault.
Is that racist though?
Had a ‘86 and ‘01 VFRs. Between the gear-driven cams and V4 they sounded amazing!
You’ve never come across pale Italians from northern Italy, or pale Jewish people from Eastern Europe?
I can’t stand Lea Michele but of all the things to bitch about her, a Jewish and Italian lady liking to be tan isn’t one of them. Ever been to the Mediterranean in summer? Spanish and Italian women have always loved to get very very tan, whether from lying in the sun or more recently from fake tanner. There’s nothing…
As someone who currently rides a Speed3 and has owned singles, twins, triples, and 4's: triples sound like a disappointing inline-four.
Aprilia V4 are pretty nice sounding units.
I do have a unhealthy soft spot for V4's
It depends on the triple. I had a triumph legend with the 2 into 1 and 1 into 1 exhaust. The only thing that thing did well was sound good. It was like a Bonneville and a thumper fighting at the same yoke
I had a VFR800 pass me in traffic this morning, hard on the throttle...
You used the wrong form of their in you’re comment.
Was Shaun holding onto inventory in one of the extra rooms at Patrisse’s mansion in California?