
Gatekeeping Glamping? Weirdest of flexes, my dude. 

Seriously, THAT should’ve been the title of the article

I have always played in Kobes.  They are the most comfortable shoes for me on the court.  Which sucks, because I do not play well enough to justify even spending retail on new Kobes with how janky my post-quarantine jump shot is.  



Isnt the Fermi Paradox just the observed contradiction between the likelihood of intelligent life existing outside earth compared to the lack of evidence of said existence? I don’t think it’s a theory that aliens don’t exist?

Came here for this comment

Back in 1983 my Dad went in to the dealership to buy a Thunderbird Turbo Coupe (they seemed cool at the time, little did we know).  The dealer told my Dad that he could work a deal for him but he needed my Dad to write a check so the Manger ‘knew he was serious’  - The deal never materialized and they told him they

but the P in MSRP does stand for ‘Price’ still?

but the P in MSRP does stand for ‘Price’ still?

Her legal option is to sue because it’s America.  You don’t need a valid reason to start a civil suit, you just need a semi-valid reason to win one.  

Nurses in many facilities work 12 hour shifts, I think because it reduces the need to hand off notes. For nurses it’s typical that 3 - 12 hour shifts are paid as a full week of work.

I found a typo, do I get a ‘No Prize’?

40+ year olds with secret-instagrams remember it well.  

I get that. The wording just seems odd. I guess Shrooms are being prescribed for depression in some places already though.

“The case reported above underscores the need for ongoing public education regarding the dangers attendant to the use of this, and other drugs, in ways other than they are prescribed,”

I am guessing he wasn’t prescribed these?  

The Project Hazel mask looks kinda hefty to only have ear loops.  

The Rare Giant Dwarf star.  

Interceptor is the answer!

Yikes, well so much for the smaller displacement bikes being immune to that problem.  Thankfully there are ample work arounds if you catch it in time. If not - good luck finding someone who wants to work on Viffers.  

Before anyone gets a VFR 1000 they should confirm it had the camshaft oil issues mitigated. I believe they existed in the 750 and 1000, with less issues in the 500. I have owned a few of these. Great fun, but sometimes at great maintenance expense. Still have nightmares about the head gaskets:

Muppet Show avatars are a pretty good indicator ;)