Mr Hinge

Well, not ALL, that's kind of the point.

The idea is if you say those things right off the bat, then, like me, they are aware you are a tin-eared troll, and if they decide, like me, to continue to engage with you, it's no longer your responsibility because you've given them fair warning.

"All Prince's music sounded pretty much the same to me,"

Yeah this album is much better / more GBV-ish than I'd have ever guessed. Good review btw, though I think the two best songs are the title track and last song.

No no, clearly this is meant to be a forum for people to say how much they don't care

I don't remember the quote verbatim but when a RS interviewer brought up Prince's admiration of her, Joni said "Well the Salieris always recognize the Mozarts"

Wow some godawful comments here.

Stuff like this is why the outrage machine should/needs to cool it. Classic "boy who cried wolf" situation … Because people ARE easily offended, Schilling hides behind that even though he's being absolutely despicable.

I think I'm reacting to his subsequent claims that people are overreacting. I mean there's no parsing to be done here, you can't spin away the egregiousness of posting that

Yikes that was disappointing

I'm definitely sensitive to the propensity for outrage we have these days, and the general mountain<—molehill dynamic.

not for nothing but this review makes the movie sound better than the writer seems to think it is

It's a book review not a childhood review

Except Laurie's is great and Cumberbatch's is … not

Nothing at all, but his presence there says you are plenty ready

Look at your avatar then revisit

I didn't mind it actually

One thing I've noticed when people cover this song is the melody isn't much more than serviceable. It's the singing/voice that really carry the day. I mean the whole mood is great, but the vocal melody in and of itself isn't great, even though it seems like it is

Even beyond that he's become preachy and didactic, he thinks he's way smarter than he is. I mean in some ways he's a genius but not in sociopolitical analysis, for example

His hair is actually just flat and straight in this video