There is a video of someone doing this on youtube - unless that was your friend. It didnt look like a good time...spoiler alert, the dude yakked all over.
There is a video of someone doing this on youtube - unless that was your friend. It didnt look like a good time...spoiler alert, the dude yakked all over.
Lots of internet heroes on here, eh? Suddenly everyone swears they would be proactive and save the day. Somehow, i kinda doubt that they react that way in the real world when actually confronted with a real situation.
There goes using your car to return empty beer cans. We all know you always end up with some leftover beerjuice on your hands, and if you have a hatchback (or a drinking/hoarding issue that requires use of the full cab for can return runs) then you are going to have alcohol in the air. Maybe ill “invest” in a shopping…
My 2007 Impreza rocks the base 2.5 and it has about 20 more HP than the current base engines in the new Impreza. Its no Ferrari engine, but ive done 120 mph and the boxer was having a good ol time. It may not be the boosted WRX engine, but it could be if it wanted and it certainly does the trick, as Ive had the car…
Personal disappointment plays a big part here, but the stock 99 mustang convertibles were HORRENDOUS. I remember my gf’s dad had one and i was all psyched to drive it. It felt as heavy as a tank, with steering & acceleration to match, and it was all hideous plastic and poor craftsmanship. Just a big fat disappointment.
well put. talk about connecting dots that dont exist. US didnt win the World Cup why would Clinton pull for Blatter? INTERNET LOGIC!!!!
That article offers zero proof that Clinton did anything but A) campaign for the US (NOT QATAR) World Cup Bid, and B) be the chair of a foundation that has received donations from Qatar. But uh, nice try!
Judging by the responses, i dont think anyone understands the difference between a facelift and a redesign...
what the hell just happened here? in fast speed it looks like they guided him right onto the hood of the incoming safety car
The rear fender flare that turns into the spoiler is absolutely stunning. The front end shows a face that snidely laughs at you in the rearview mirror before scooting around you and vanishing into the distance. This thing, i like it.
Back in High school, I pulled the same stupid stoned move they did in Grandma’s Boy. My chicken fingers looked nice and crispy, i get excited and just pick up the baking sheet they were on BAREHANDED and drop them everywhere. When i first saw the movie i was crying laughing because i too had pulled that same dumbass…
Wow...i just watched the 30 for 30 where Fetisov talked about his struggle to get to the NHL and how terrible it was playing in/for Russia. Sad that hes been brainwashed or blackmailed into stonewalling other Russian players from doing something he (and Lamorello) had fought for the right to do. Unreal.
Awesome pic! i had a 94 Protege as my first vehicle. No passenger-side mirror (it was an option back then!) and the thing was like a tin can. A tin can of joy - it weighed nothing, had lots of pep, never left me stranded, took me all across the country and still maintains legendary status among my friends who call it…
Lawnmower Racing - i got a chance to check this out a few weekends ago. Its 100% ridiculous, they aren’t breaking any speed records, and you won’t know any of the drivers...but it was absolutely entertaining, thats for sure.
thanks sweetheart
ill never understand why so many people shittalk the writers on Kinja articles...if youve already made up your mind that everything they do is crap, then dont fucking read it. Pretty damn simple. Way to show off your giant internet balls, we are all so very impressed and proud of you.
and when the computer went...the car was dunzo. My friend and I had endless fun setting the greetings on this thing. Fun car.
THANK YOU - could not remember the name of this one but it was bringing back memories of my old PC. This and A-10 Tank Killer
When i first got this game, i couldn’t wrap my 8 year old brain around the off-kilter steering style and tried to tape the plastic wrap back on the box while whining that we could return it that way. A week later and it became one of my all time favorites
Phenomenal place - AND they even have a Valkyrie inside. amazing how many planes they are able to fit underneath the wings of that beast. They had a B1B outside as well when i was there. Tons of great stuff.